Surprise, it's a boy!

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A/N: Hi guys! So in this story, Pietro and Wanda are twins and they're 22 years old (Pietro's the oldest). Peter is the youngest and is 13. Let me know if you have any questions!

   If anyone had asked Peter what he pictured himself doing today, the last thing he'd say would be breaking his father out of the Pentagon.

   He knew his siblings would be beyond livid, but Mom always said to seize each and every day and that's exactly what he was doing — though he didn't suppose she mean high treason.

   Regardless, Peter now found himself squeezed into the back seat of a Cadillac between Hank and the all-mighty and fearing Magento. But Magneto didn't look like the mutant terrorist he heard of on the news. He looked like Erik Lehnsherr, the man from the picture with Peter's mom right after they got married, which usually rested on Peter's nightstand but was now tucked safely in the left chest pocket of his silver jacket. Erik looked so happy and carefree in that picture. Now? Well now he just looked annoyed — most people that are around Peter long enough usually are, but the speedster suspected he wasn't the cause this time.

   "So..." Peter began, breaking the unbearable tense silence that consumed the car.

   Erik had been staring at him the entire car ride. Peter had no idea why. Maybe he realized that Peter was his son. He does have Erik's high cheekbones, but that wasn't a real defining feature. You'd think he looks like his mom, but no dice. Peter is somehow a mix of everything that his parents aren't.

   Wanda is a near spitting image of their mother, with her unruly curls and gentle nose. The older she gets, the more the looks like her. It was almost creepy how similar they were. Sometimes if Peter looked too quickly or was groggy from just waking up, he'd think it was Mom. Peter absentmindedly wondered if Wanda realized that too. Pietro surely did, but he never mentioned it. Pietro is a more even mix of the two, but he surely inherited his father's temper, even if Erik wasn't around to raise them.

   Wanda and Pietro always told Peter that he didn't need their dad because he had them and their mom. Peter agreed, but after Mom passed, he couldn't buy into that anymore. He just had to meet the guy at least once. Even if he didn't say who he was.

   The twins still disagreed, but thankfully they were touring Boston University for the weekend, which means there was no way on earth that they could stop him. Unless their aunt who was over to watch him ratted him out. But Peter would bet his money that she was passed out drunk by now. Prolonged periods with Peter had that effect on people.

   "Is there something on my face?" Peter finally asked, wiping at his cheek. Sometimes if he ate too fast it happened.

   When Erik shook his head, Peter sighed and spoke up. "Then why do you keep staring at me?" That surely caught everyone's attention. His teachers always did say he was too blunt. But Peter didn't understand that because they always preached about honesty. But when he told Susan Leroy in the fifth grade that he did not like her sparkly hair extensions, the truth somehow became wrong.

   The professor looked back with a scowl directed at the metal bender, very similar to the one Hank held, though Hank was more interested in the scope of Peter's abilities, having never met anyone with super speed before. Wait until he heard about Pietro.

   "No reason I look like someone I knew." Erik had a reflective look on his face, finding himself lost in a memory.

   "Who?" Peter found himself asking before he could stop himself. He hoped it was his mom. No one has ever told him he looked like her. Sometimes he'd find himself looking in the mirror for any sign of her, whether it be in his nose, or thin lips, but nope. Nothing. Maybe he was adopted.

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