Chapter 15 : A Small Commotion

Start from the beginning

Since then, the House of Valimos has cut costs in various areas, including garments. Thus, the Duchess avoids all parties hosted by other Houses. She is tired of playing their game. People will accuse her of not giving enough fortunes to the Temple if Medea dresses so lavishly. But then again, people will criticise and undermine her authority if she dresses so plainly. To not hear a mouthful slander from any people, she declined all of the invitations to the parties as Duchess Valimos.

Fortunately, the dress she wore to the Spring Banquet was a gift from Cardinal Eryx Angelos. Nobody could say anything because it would be like Eryx's appreciation gift for the Valimos' generosity to the Temple.

With that remark, Esmeralda's words now ridicule Duchess Valimos' worth. Some nobles smirk at this remark because they, too, despise the House of Valimos' arrogance.

"It costs a fortune-- For a House of Jason," Medea snickered.

Esmeralda grits her teeth as she smoulders in resentment, hearing snorts from her side when Duchess Valimos made fun of her house worth.

"As far as I can tell, the House of Jason ranks fifth in terms of their personal fortune. So, I am uncertain whether you are referring to yourself or mine," Esmeralda retorted back.

"Certainly, but I recall that Viscount Alexander contacted the financial institution the last time. I assume the Jasons are having difficulties. My heart could no longer take it, and I became concerned about the situation. I, therefore, felt compelled to assist the dear friend of my late father," Medea gasps, pretending to be surprised by the news.

She turns around to look for Viscount Alexander. Alexander can't remember the last time he couldn't breathe! The agreement was almost completed a few days ago but was postponed. The merchant would not do business with him if he lost the deal with the Valimos. If it did, he would lose a lot of money and be unable to restart his other business. Such a reckless businessman, not having saved any money.

The Jasons spend lavishly on dresses, decorating the manors and many more. The Viscount believes he would gain more money from the growing businesses, mostly their leather clothes. It has been a trend for the young nobles to wear leather garments these days. Hence, people would purchase him at the moment. However, the Viscount succumbs to his baser instincts and prioritises output over quality as he attempts to manufacture as much leather as possible.

This caused people became displeased with the design or the clothing because the leather would easily peel off. Consequently, the trend began to fade as quickly as it entered the market. Their business began to slow as their liabilities increased with each passing period. This led to Viscount making a business agreement with Valimos as one of the investors.

With that, Viscount Alexander would be able to obtain loans and revitalise his business with Medea's assistance.

"Is Viscount Alexander seeking loans?"

"Come to think of it, Viscount Alexander has contacted me, asking for some merchants to work for him!"

"Is that correct? Will Duchess Medea assist him?"

"Jason must have hit rock bottom!"

"Should we invest our money into their new business, leather clothing?"

"Serve Viscount Alexander right! He has been flaunting about his business all the time!"

"We have no idea he is in serious trouble for flashing his money around."

"He would never get help since Lady Esmeralda mocks her about the dress. She even taints Duchess Medea's expensive dress!"

Viscount Alexander is now apprehensive about making the new financial commitment. Some wealthy nobility ends up backing his business venture thanks to his persuasive abilities. If things don't work out, the Jasons will be in over their heads with debt and will have to sell everything they own to get out of it. His household will stick to a budget-friendly diet and occasionally wear recycled outfits. It would be a significant setback if that happened. Nobility members rarely recycle their wardrobes.

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