Rwby's worry and izuku's dream

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Rwy are walking through the halls and into there dorms.

Ruby: You're just mad cuz' the new guy beat you! See, if you had just attacked when I told you none of this would have happened.

As they enter, Blake approaches the door to leave.

Weiss: Stop.

Weiss points at Blake. Blake's hand retracts from the door knob still not facing Weiss.

Weiss:Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody!

Yang: Uh, have you met Blake?

Weiss: Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong! So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!?

Weiss then points her finger at Blake again.Weiss is balancing precariously on a chair's back feet. She quickly puts the chair away and returns to stand near the girls.

Blake: I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: You're still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it.

Blake: Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-well like our favorite green haired menace.

Ruby: Uh, who?

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!

Ruby: Well yeah, but...

Weiss: We're not ready!

Blake: And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day.

She pointed toward the door.

Blake:They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!

Ruby: Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye.

Yang pumps her fist enthusiastically and points at Blake with a big smile on her face.

Yang:Yes! I love it when you're feisty!

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby: None of you said aye!

Blake: Alright then, we're in this together!

Ruby: Let's hatch a plan!

Yang: Yeah!

???:... do I even want to know?

Taken by surprise the girls jumped at the sudden voice as they swiftly turned around and our met with Izuku who was just leaning on the wall. They breathe out a sigh of relief and upon further inspection, they realized this was one of the rare times they got to see him without his vigilante clothes on (Which is mainly what he wore at all times!). Instead he wore a yellow tank top with a emblem of a burning flower on it, which he "borrowed" from yang, and black shorts from from Ren.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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