chapter 11

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Baji POV:


If  Y/N has the strength to target Hanma to the ground that means theres a chance we can defeat him.  Y/N is Best friends with Mikey I suppose she can help me.

Hanma has a huge grudge on Toman. Hanma believes Toman WILL be weak and be CONTROLLED by Valhalla, which I despise it to happen.

I just need hope my plan as an individual kill Valhalla then my place in Toman is back.

After all i created the gang , it's my choice to keep it alive. Wait.........Kisaki that BRAT.........!


sitting with Draken , Takemichi and Mikey outside my house Takemichi looks scared and shocked with his dumbfounded reaction while Draken stare at the ground and MIkey holding my hand.

I explained everything that happened today." So I don't know if this Hanma guy is causing trouble for you guys".

Draken spoke looking at me he kinda looks intimidating. " that's right .....Hanma was always on our case , but the fact that he's suspicious about you being in Toman is a serious situation , he might use you as our weakness".

Mikey let go of my hand and said." Don't worry Y/N everything will be fine , we are currently working on this mission so .....we will defeat him".

I felt a hollow pain in my stomach worrying about their safety , Hanma is a very difficult person to kill and defeat , everyone knows his strength.

I felt Mikey's hand on my shoulder." Hey , I appreciate that you told me everything now , I'm proud that your honest to me that already makes you part of the gang".

My fear disappears as I saw his smile and heard his gentle say. I smiled." Thanks Mikey".

Draken broke the silence." Well about Baji you recogn he's in Valhalla?".

I spoke so uneasy." I think so , after all he said someone back stabbed him 'literally' ***doing the hand gestures ***. " and he said that he doesn't want to drag me into this well its seems I am in  right from the beginning".

I sulk feeling guilt." I feel like this is happening all because of me ". I wrapped my arms around my fupa and sighed.

Mikey spoke once again." This is all Hanma's fault. Hes going to regret this."

Draken stood next to Mikey they are both looking at me." Y/N, about Baji he might be in Valhalla gang even though his the bad guy too , I'm sure he will change ,right?". He looked at Mikey who looks like hes ganna lose his mind.

Mikey clenched his fist." Baji is an asshole he will never change he betrayed us and you can't change that "!

He walked off with anger into the streets out of our sight. " Draken what are we ganna do now ".

Draken spoke as soft and polite as ever." I don't know , but don't worry yourself  , allow him to cool down".

We sat in silence until Draken laughed." Hey Y/N mind if I steal Takey for a bit".

Well I can't reject him." Of course,  Takemichi would sure like to go with you right"?

Takemichi smiled nervously." Yeah sis , uhm Draken let's go". Draken grabbed his head in his arms." Dont be shy Takemichi,  as long as Mikey is best friends with you I'm your brother after all".

I saw them walk away too. I smiled how My big brother get along with these two. I walked inside getting ready for another walk. Granny and Oupa isn't at home still. They called me yesterday they're doing great....glad to know that.

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