again pt. 2

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thats all the older could say in the moment

"why what?"

the younger tried to act like he didn't know, yet he did understood very well

"why did you try to run away?"

the older finished the question he had asked before


the older spoke under his breath hoping the younger wouldn't hear him

"i wouldn't have tried it again if i knew it was you who was sitting there"

he put slight emphasis on the word there so the older would get what he meant by that

"it's not like that was the first time i came there after the dance"

he was a little bit mad at the younger

"listen i know its not, I've seen you come here several times. i just never knew what to say or if to say anything because what if you never wanted to see me anymore or i don't know okay sorry?"

the older could hear how sorry the younger was for basically everything that was his fault

"hey it's okay, i regret someting too okay?"

he very clearly try to show the younger it's okay to regret some things and to feel emotions

"like what for example?"

the younder try to stop himself from crying

"not asking your name before you left after the umm-
y'know, kiss i guess you could say"

the older tried very hard to not make it awkward as it was after the kiss

"well my name is"

[a/n: a moment that everyone is waiting for so insert dramatic pause and music]

"Han Jisung"

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊THE END𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊

I will leave the rest to your imagination, but if you don't have enough, imagine minho told jiji his name and they kissed and got married later and jisung is actually omega and minho is alpha do they even had kids :) four kids and three cats

anyways i feel like this fic is shit.
it is the second book im publishing and it still wasn't supposed to be published because i didn't finish it thanks to my lack of motivation, im sorry it sucks and has to end like this <3

i hope you at least like the concept of this that i use titles of songs and use them in chapters, in case you want to do it too, you can i would be more than glad if you did and make sure to tag me please because i want to read this concept just well written (not like mine :)<3

have a nice day
love you <33

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