bad idea

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his dance partner was amazing at dancing, he knew how to move and it seemed like he was enjoying it as well

the younger disliked dancing so much that he always avoided it at all cost

never in his dreams he imagined to enjoy danicing with stranger

the older made the younger spin around himself making him look like a princess on a ball

some people would say they looked flawless while dancing

the two dancers made it seem like they were a pair of professional dancers who practiced everyday

when they finished this improvised performance everyone clapped

not a single soul in audience knew or even thought about these two dancers being complete strangers

the two left the stage with heavy breathes hoping to catch some air into their lungs

they sat on the nearest chairs they could find

but both of them could feel the unexplained tension between them

yet they still moved closer to eachother second by second and slowly closed the small gap that was left between their lips while closing their eyes

it was clear that this all was bad idea

i can't write kiss scenes for life

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