Start from the beginning

"Ehhh I like this plan" Kyoya said joyfully.

"Yes it is easy I love to cause ruckus and killing some lowly monsters." Kirara said.

"Yay let's go" Shogo exclaimed.

They then started to walk towards the City of tempest to execute their plan. But at this moment they don't know yet which monster they are going to face.


Kyoya, Kirara and Shogo entered the city but what they didn't know is they were already spotted by the spy of the country.

" Whaaaaat their country is too much beautiful " Shogo shouted.

" How could some lowly monsters leave in this beautiful town ? I can't support it anymore " Kirara said.

" That's why we are her after all " Kyoya said with an evil smile. And he continue " If you may please Kirara".

" Leave it to me boys " Kirara said proudly.

"Ehhhh what ? Are you touching my butt ?" Kirara shouted.

They were in the middle of the tow, and a little goblin was there. Their plan was to induce panic among the humans in the town.

"W-w-what are you t-talking about. I didn't touch you" Gobuzo said.

"You dare lying you monster ?" Kirara shouted.

" Ehh I thought the monster of this country are kind but I was wrong " Kyoya added.

And with this the human started to have worry face. They started to ask themselves why the came in this country. Seeing this Gobuzo started to sweat a lot. His thought started to become confuse. Because of him, the merchants and the tourist are afraid. Even if he didn't touch her they will no believe him.

"Gobuzo What did you get into this time?" his bestfriend said.

"Gobuta" Gobuzo respond.

"You put yourself in something really bad isn't it ?" gobuta asked him.

"Gobuta you have to believe I havn't done anything to her".

"Of course I believe you. You are not like this after all"

"Gobuta You are my friend" Gobuzo said while crying.

"How can you believe him. You were not there" Kirara said angered.

"You are just a little girl without any charisma. In other world you are a baby" Gobuta said.

Soon as he said it, all the crowd started to laugh hard. Seeing this, Kirara felt ashamed. And without any hesitations, she activated her skill. "Bewilder". This skill allows Kirara to directly send commands to her victims brains through her voice, allowing her to forcibly take control of them and force them to do her bidding.

"Die" She ordered them. But nothing happened. She was dumbfounded. Her skill doesn't work for the first time.

"Ehh what happened, I thought Your skill is unbeatable." Kyoya said.

Suddenly, they heared a voice coming toward them. They saw two girls. The first one has a purple hair with one horn on her forehead. The second one has a rose hair and two horns on her forehead.

"I see your skill allow you to command people. What a dangerous skill you have. By using it to cause problem in this peaceful I'll ask you leave this country".

"Shut up you bitch. Is it because of you my skill didn't work ?" Kirara asked.

"Yes" Shuna respond.

"Ehh and you think you can do something against us ?" Shogo said full of confidence.

"Shuna-sama please let me deal with them" Shion said.

"Let me help you Shion. I received thought communication from my master and he ordered to capture them alive but we can do everything with them. If they died we will just resurrect them". Ashia said while landing slowly in the middle.

"Ashia-san they are just small fry for you" Shion respond.

Hearing this Kyoya lost his Cold blood. How can some lowly monster looked down on them like that. They were human after all.

"I will kill you lowly monsters" Kyoya shouted. And he rushed towards Ashia with his UniqueSkill [All seeing eye] which allow him too accelerate his thought 300times faster. But For Ashia, he his still a small fry.

Ashia: What a fool. [Ignition]

The Ignition is just a simple and easy spell by Ashia. As his name the [Ignition] has the ability to put an organism in a state of fire. She enhanced it with her US [Lightning King Zeus]. Kyoya without an US wasn't able to resist and were just standing there in a state of perpetual burn.

Seeing this Kirara was out of word, on how his friend was put out the fight with such ease. Shogo too but his pride was beyond everything. He then launched a punch towards Shion who blocked it with her Hercule Edge.

She then punched Shogo in the stomach who sent him flying meters away. He tried to get up in vain. Just the shion shot made him bleed from his mouth. He was already in a state of death. He was totally paralyzed.

" Ara such a big mouth without balls ? What a shame " Ashia said to Kirara who was tremble in fear. Deep in her heart she asked herself why did she accept this mission. But it was too late now.



"Took the 3 of them in the prison and ordered to one of your men too look over them"


"Ashia-san please may I have a little fun with them after ?" Shion asked with stars in her eyes.

"Of course Shion-san thank you very much"

Rimuru: Every executives meet me at once in the meeting Room.

"Shion-san let's go our master need us"

"Yes Ashia-san".

They were now gathered in the meeting room. All the executives with Shizue to discuss about the problem they are facing now.

Rimuru: Alright guys it's time to show them what true fear means...........................

They then all have evil smile on their face.

To be continued...............

Next Chapter: [Farmus Nightmare and Regrets]

A/N: Hi guys, well i am sorry for not uploading those previous days. I was busy by my school with all the interviews. But now I am free. This is the First Intermission of the second part. I plan to write a story about Ivaraje and I wanted your POV if you appreciate the idea. Thank you for the support and see you in the next chapter.

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