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"Thank you, Detective Sand, for coming."

The detective smiled, scratching his head a little. "My pleasure, Missus Walks. What seems to be the matter?" He adjusted his brown tie under his black shirt, nodding.

"Well," Alison's mom said. "My daughter is... unconscious. But her heart is beating. I don't know how to... how to explain it," The detective nodded.

"Where is your daughter now, at the hospital I'm guessing? The doctors let me know."

Alison's mom nodded. She wiped her tears away.

"Hm. Anything happy?" She shook her head.

Detective Sand smiled. "Well, I was checking your house last night and I found... these." He put two phones on the table, one pink-cased and one black.

"My daughter's phone? What about it?"

"I uh," He cleared his throat. "It's not the phone, it's about this..." He tapped the screen and both of the phone screens lit up, showing a type of message.

"Oh my god. What's the Three Door Curse?"

The detective shrugged. "I don't know. But whatever it is, it's got to be dangerous. You said they were unconscious when you went in? With a gun and a knife beside them?"

"Yes, Detective."

"I suppose something else. They didn't do suicide. Because why would they still be breathing, correct?" He swiped his brown hair off his face.

The mother was silent. "I suggest... that we'll do some more investigating and figure out some more, okay? And uh, you said her friend Gabe is in the same condition, so I will contact his mother also."

"Right. Thank you so much, Sand!"

"My pleasure," The detective walked out of the room.


"Doors Led To Your Nightmares" (Original Short Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن