Chapter five

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Alison and Tiger were transported to a very dull-looking neighborhood. An alleyway stood in front of them. The sky was gray like it was about to rain.

"Where are we?" Tiger asked.

Alison shrugged. "I... I don't know," She looked down at her pink shirt that she was still wearing, making sure she still had clothes on.

Tiger looked at the alleyway. "Why is there a door there?" they asked.

Alison looked up. She pushed her glasses up. Again she said, "I don't know."

"Do you think we should go through it?"

Alison nodded. "I guess?"

They took a breath and sighed it out, Tiger getting shivers down their spine. They didn't know why.

Alison and Tiger, with a hint of fear and uncertainty, stepped forward towards the white door that was built into the wall that ended the alleyway. A sign read on it, NOT SCARY AT ALL!

Alison didn't hesitate and went at the gold round doorknob with her fingers, pulling it open. Alison and Tiger went in.

"What the heck—"

"—Is this?" Alison finished Tiger's wordings. "Why are there three doors?"

Three doors stood in front of them of the dark blue room they were in now. Alison was confused as well as Tiger too.

"Which one do we go in?" Tiger said.

Alison sighed. "I go in the middle, you go on the right?"

Tiger nodded.

They both went through the doors and came out the other end... Sort of.

Alison was now stuck in another room and Tiger... was nowhere to be seen, nor the door that they went through was gone. There were only two doors behind Alison.

"Ali!!" Tiger's screams of help echoed off the dark blood-colored walls of the strange room.

"Tiger?" Alison said, finding Tiger nowhere as she looked around. "Tiger?" She was panicking, thinking the worst right away. "Tiger, you okay?"

Alison saw a glimpse of Tiger getting dragged away somewhere. Alison ran towards them and then smacked her face into glass, causing her glasses to fall off her nose a little; she pushed them back up again.

"Tiger, where are you?" Alison screamed. Her heart was pounding with every breath. "Oh gosh... Tiger!"

Tiger appeared in a box then, with a familiar man. Alison's eyes grew wide with fear and she rushed toward them, now close together, but still, glass hit her mark, her unable to get to Tiger.

The man held a gun to Tiger's head. Their worst fear; getting shot.

It was the same man who tripped Alison earlier today, him wearing the same thing he had on. His smirk was even more menacing and devil-like.

"Let her go, you dimwit!" Alison yelled, pounding on the glass. Of course, it was no use. 'Them', damnit, not 'her'! Ugh, whatever! Alison thought. She'd always get Tiger's pronouns wrong. It wasn't her fault that Tiger was a girl at chromosomes.

Alison had tears down her face as she tried to get through the glass—but again, she couldn't. "Don't shoot them, you bastard!" Tiger's face looked fearful.

The evil man smirked more, then he disappeared with Tiger out of thin air.

Alison screamed. "No!" she yelled at the glass. She stepped back; glass was all around her, trapping the kid.

She gripped her blonde hair as if she was gonna pull it out.

"Welcome to your worst nightmares, Alison. Your fun is about to begin... with a twist. After all, I promised if you pressed the link you'd get to see your friend, right?" The man's voice left out a laughter at the end.

Then the lights went out. Alison screamed as she was pricked by something and dragged away.


"Doors Led To Your Nightmares" (Original Short Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora