Break-even point

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Both Bruce and Selina would remember those weeks as one of the happiest times of their lives. Those were peaceful days. A strange peace that even scared them.

Selina forgave Bruce for leaving, and the prince of Gotham came out of his emotional cave a little or allowed himself to have company in there. The couple reached a break-even point.

They were getting to know each other intimately, now as adults, but they were also living a bit like the teenagers they couldn't be in the past. They found that the spark that had always been between them turned into an explosion when they were alone.

Bruce's nights continued to be filled with patrols and detective activities in Gotham, but also moments when he read Helena to sleep before leaving for the city and moments when he found Selina warming his bed when he came home.

During the days, he could spend hours in the cave entertained with his research and then return to the mansion where Helena always had a new story to tell about something she had seen or learned and where Selina would wait for him, sometimes with a bubble bath, sometimes with a good fight.

Selina was also enjoying those days a lot.

She chose, perhaps for the first time in her life, to "Allow yourself to have feelings and try to forget her fears." She chose to delve into that crazy fantasy that left her ecstatic while scaring her almost all the time. Calm never seemed to be a constant in her life, and she was afraid of attachment. She was afraid to cling to that quiet, comfortable home life. She was afraid of getting attached and then losing everything. After all, the good things in her life were always like a house of cards, which it could fall apart at any moment. A house of cards that, deep down, she didn't feel deserving of.

But during those days, the daily peace with her daughter and the passion she shared with Bruce made her allow herself. Though there were times when she woke at night to make sure Helena was in her bed and times when she dug her nails into Bruce's back while they made love, as if she could keep him forever with her. She carried with her the constant feeling that she was living a dream, and like every dream, she knew that at some point she would have to wake up.

And she preferred to wake up before being woken up.


It was Friday and Bruce had agreed with Clark to put his plan to neutralize Luthor into action the following night. That's because, he already had plans for that night. Plans that make him more apprehensive than those of the next night, although he had prepared very well for both.

At that moment, he was busy talking to Helena about the plan he and the girl had prepared for that night.

"Do you think your mother will like it?" Bruce showed the box to Helena. The girl was sitting on his lap, they were in her chair at the office table in the library.

"Yes, daddy." Helena replied looking at the jewelry. "You know how Mommy loves diamonds. She will love it, but don't expect her to tell you that."

"She won't need to say, I can see what she feels in her eyes." Bruce said putting the object in his jacket pocket almost the moment Selina entered the place.

The woman looked stunning in a black dress covered in crystals. It was discreet, long-sleeved, with no front neckline, although it was very tight in its curves and the surprise was a deep cleavage in its back.

"What am I going to love and why do you think you can read me by my eyes?"

"You're going to love the night we have tonight." Bruce said getting up and going to her.

Selina smiled.

"Are we really going out?" she asked, but not surprised. "I got suspicious when Alfred gave me this dress... I thought it was dangerous for me to leave the mansion. I've been well behaved here for weeks... "

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