Chapter 1: Operation Harry

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"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." She said kissing my cheek.

"I love you too, Mum." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled happily.

"Thanks for letting Raven stay over, Mrs. Mordecur." Ron said.

"Thank you for being his friend." Mum said ruffling Ron's hair. "Thank you for having him over Molly." Mum said giving her a final hug and grabbing floo powder.

"You're both welcome anytime." Mrs. Weasley said with her warm smile.

"The Nest." Mum said dropping the floo powder to return home. Since Mum, Dad, and I are named after birds, she decided to call our home The Nest.

"Have you had lunch yet, Raven?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Yeah, Mum and I ate a couple hours ago." I told her. "Thanks for having me over." I said as Ron and I went up to his room with Uri following me.

Ron had helped me get my stuff into his room and spoke up. "Fred, George, and Ginny are outside, want to join them?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I said excitedly as Ron ran down the stairs with me walking down them still remembering my almost fatal accident. "You're going to fall, Ron." I said as Ron got close to the last step and tripped falling to the floor on his stomach. I snorted.

"Ronald Weasley, how many times do I have to tell you not to run on the stairs?" Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

"Sorry, Mum, I lost my footing." He apologized getting up.

I made my way to the bottom of the steps. "Told you." I said with a satisfying grin. 

"I'll be making dinner here in the next couple of hours. The others would be happy to see you, Raven. They're just outside." Mrs. Weasley informed us. I smiled and nodded as Ron and I made our way outside.

Fred, George, and Ginny were kicking around a Quaffle. Fred saw me approach and smiled. He decided to kick the Quaffle in the air towards me to see what I would do. George and Ginny noticed when they turned around. 

Unknowing to him, Mum had been teaching me a few moves. As soon as the ball reached me, I jumped, grabbed it, and quickly did a sideways spin and chucked it back towards Fred with incredible speed. I was a little dizzy from it, but I was still practicing mums legendary moves. Both in Quidditch and Spell casting. There was a loud thump and a grunt when it hit his chest. He still caught it though. He looked a little shocked and I just smiled. "Woah." The twins said in unison.

"Raven!" Ginny said running to me and embracing me in a hug.

"Hey, Gin." I said hugging her back.

"Guess what, Raven, I'm going to start Hogwarts this term." She said happily.

"Awesome, I hope you like it there." I said as we high fived. Ginny was like a little sister to me. In fact all the Weasley's were like family to me. Except Percy, he can be a git sometimes, and I've never met Charlie or Bill, but I've heard great things.

"Raven, you gotta teach us that move." Fred said eagerly.

"Sorry boys, classified Mordecur information." I said with a sly smile. They just laughed. "Besides, you two are beaters. What I did is only useful for Chasers."

Over the next few hours, we played with the Quaffle, I helped them with tending to the garden, and feeding the chickens. Which the chickens seemed to follow me everywhere and ignore Ron, who had the food. After some time Mrs. Weasley called us in for dinner as the day was coming to a close. We went inside and Mr. Weasley greeted me. "Hello there, Raven. Good to see you again." He greeted shaking my hand.

Auror's Son | Book 2 Harry Potter x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن