Eddie Munson - Entertainment

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You rolled your eyes heavenward, breath coming out in agressive pants. You hated running; you just didn't do running. But now, now, you were running as fast as you could with an accused murderer in a forest.

It had all started when Dustin, Steve and you were driving around town looking for Nancy and Robin, who had disappeared off to 'follow a lead'. Then, unexpectedly, Dustin's walkie talkie turned on, broadcasting Eddie Munson's voice around the car.

"Hello? Henderson. Henderson! Code red, Henderson, pick up the damn radio!"

His voice was slightly high pitched and on the edge of maniacal. You were nearest to Dustin's backpack, so you lazily picked up the walkie talkie and clicked on the button and replied. "It's called a walkie talkie, Munson."

"Oh, for fuck's sake, it's Baby Harrington."

You scoffed. "Nice to hear your voice, too, Munson. By the sound of your audacity, it sounds like you're not in much danger, yeah?"

"My chance of survival is in danger, actually, yes. It's been 48 hours and none of you have made any food deliveries. My stomach has started to physically eat itself."

He sounded like a bratty child, and you sighed exasperatedly.

"Is Henderson there? Henderson, you were going to let me starve to death? I'm an innocent boy accused of murder, I'm in hiding and yet, you still want me to die a slow, painful death?" 

You could hear Dustin roll his eyes.

"Jesus, Munson. Calm down, stop being so dramatic. Someone'll get you food now."

"I mean it. Now."

"Ever heard of manners, Munson, or?"

"Get me some goddamn food and a new set of clothes because I stink. Please."

"Aw, all right, 'cause you're so polite about it."

There was no reply from the other side, and you smirked in satisfaction. Steve looked at you sheepishly in the rear view mirror. "I guess that'll be you, (y/n)."


"No, no. It has to be you. Calm the damn freak down, as well, please. You're probably gonna spend some time with him."

You stared at your brother incredulously. "You're—you're leaving me with him?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but he likes you best so he'll listen to you; keep him hidden and all that. Buy yourself a colouring book or a book to read while you're there. Or cards or something." He turned around to give you a fifty dollar bill from his pocket.

Before you got the chance to further oppose your brother's ridiculous idea, there was an unnecessary contribution from a suddenly agitating voice. Dustin turned around in the passenger seat to raise his eyebrows at you suggestively. "Ooh, you'll get to be alone with Eddie Munson again."

You flipped him the bird as Steve pulled into a grocery store's parking lot. You huffed and slammed the car door on your way out. You stuffed your hand in your jean pockets, regretting wearing only your favourite gray AC/DC shirt and not a jacket, too. Your black Doc Martens stomped on the uneven pavement as you pushed the door of the supermarket, the bell ringing and announcing your arrival.

After buying everything you thought Munson would want to eat, a bunch of new clothes, a set of cards and a book (specifically Little Women by Louisa May Alcott), you left swiftly towards your brother's car and got in with a huff. "I still can't believe I'm doing this."

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