"Oh! You should sleep, then. I expect you're tired. Bye, mom."

"Okay, take care of yourself, baby. Let me know if there's something." Mom says and blows a kiss to the phone before hanging up. I cringe at that gesture but just laugh it off, looking around my room again.

Mike Wheeler

I walk into a café with my hands still in my pockets, immediately spotting Troy sitting alone on a seat.

"Where's Lucas?" I ask, sitting across of him.

"Son of a bitch bailed... last minute, too." Troy rolls his eyes and I chuckle, making him smile.

A waiter approaches our table and asks for our orders quickly before heading back to what seems to be the kitchen.

"So... did you meet your roommate?" I ask.

"Yeah... he's kinda lame though. It would be much better if it was you. We would throw so many parties." He says and I shrug, smirking at the idea of it. My life hasn't been eventful these past few weeks, so a party would sound fun.

"Well, maybe we still could sometime." I suggest as our food arrives.

"Y-yeah!" He agrees then just looks at me as I take a bite of my croissant.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." Troy looks away and starts to eat as well.

"Well... what about you? How's your roommate?" He questions, bringing a playful smile to my face.

"He's nice... his name is Will. He's cool but in a... different way."

Troy's eyes are in a half-lidded gaze when I look at him, causing me to furrow my brows.

"You sure there's nothing you wanna tell me? You seem... off." I click my tongue against the back of my teeth, sipping my drink after.

"No, it's nothing. I mean it."

Will Byers

I lean the vacuum against the wall and wipe the sweat off my forehead, scanning my surroundings for any mess I missed. This just goes to show how bored I am sometimes - it's not like the dorm was messy before I started cleaning. Maybe I should do something productive like study to be extra prepared for the upcoming semester.

Okay, I'll do that...

I sit down on my desk and take out my notebook, deciding to learn for social studies since it's my weakest subject. Finance and such has always confused me so much.

Mike Wheeler

Troy and decided to go to Starcourt Mall after so that's where we are right now. We didn't really plan what we would do but thought it would be fun.

Even though we've just eaten, both of us really crave slushies, so we go to the juice bar and sit down at a stool by the counter to order. After telling the waiter, I look another direction when my attention is caught by a beautiful brunette.

"Troy, give me a sec..." I mumble, getting up and approaching the female without a second thought.

"Hey..." I smile at her.

"Hi." She simply replies.

"Um... well... I know this is weird but I was wondering... if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I look down a bit, smirking at the irony.

I can hear her giggle and look back up at her, glancing over at the redhead beside her, who's giving me a dirty look.

Geez... what did I do?

"Yeah, sure!... what's your name?"


"Cool! I'm Eleanor."

Will Byers

Mike left for breakfast at least five hours ago, and I'm starting to get worried.

No. He probably just has other plans.

I close my books and put them away, bored of studying now. I pull my sketchbook out of the drawer, smiling before looking out of the window for ideas on what to draw.

Our dorm has the most beautiful view, and I'm glad mom decided to get a more expensive one because I really like it here. I look at the ground which is at least 30 feet down from my window. A beautiful water fountain is sat in the middle of the school gardens which separates into four different paths, leading to different corridors of the building. Due to the sun reflecting perfectly on the water, it gives it a shiny tint, something I've been longing to draw. Something I couldn't really do back home since yeah, our house is big, but there has never been anything artistic to it. This place completely contradicts to my home and I can't believe it's taken me almost two days to see it.

Minutes after I start sketching, I hear the door click open and Mike comes inside the bedroom out of nowhere.

"I got a date!" He blurts excitedly, and the idea of his date causes my stomach to turn. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I don't particularly like this queasy feeling. I spin my chair around to give him all my attention and smile, congratulating him.

"T-thats cool!" I stutter and he nods in agreement, sitting down on his bed.

"Yeah! Her name is Eleanor and I'm taking her out next Friday. She's really cute... if you saw her, you would definitely agree." He rambles on.

"Really? You know my step-sister is called Eleanor too? That's such a coincidence."

Such a coincidence...

To Be Continued...

ok THIS time it'll take longer since I have to study. Istg I procrastinate sm it's not even funny at this point. idk maybe I slacked a little this chapter but either way I hope you liked it. <33

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat