A visitor! Nervous?

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"How many kids are there, anyway?" She asked after sometime.

"Oh, Iseul and Sung Ho had seven children," He said casually.

But this news was not so casual for Jang Mi.

"WHAT?!?" She yelled at the top of her voice, making the people nearby look at her.

"Why couldn't you have been more useful and tell me that she had fking seven children?! Oh lord, how can I say that? I forgot you were the same person who did not even tell me that she fking had children!" Jang Mi yelled, mocking him.

"Please yell at me later, the people are watching," Wook pleaded.

"SO YOU ARE NOT SORRY ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU DID NOT TELL ME ALL THIS AND WORRIED ABOUT TH---" Jang Mi shouted even more louder, but Wook placed his palm on her mouth.

"Please, please, please! Scold me later-"

"-MmmhMhhmMhhhmMh!" She wanted to shout, but Wook's hand on her mouth didn't let her.

~20 Minutes Later~

Jang Mi had finally stopped yelling, but was still grumbling under her breath from time to time.

Wook had somehow managed to convince her to take care of all the seven children. Leaving anyone out would be the reason to produce hate in the innocent minds of the children.

"You will become the guardian of all of them-" Wook was about to declare but stopped mid way, as he felt his client glaring at him.

"Uh, I-I meant, you will become the guardian of all of them, right?" He changed his sentence.

"...Fine," She agreed with a sigh.



With unsure hands, Jang Mi picked up the pen and signed the last of the documents, making the paper work officially complete.

The properties, the little wealth her mother and stepfather owned were officially hers now.

And so were the seven children.

Wook quickly took pictures of the documents and then e-mailed them to his office.

"Now, let's go to the orphanage to pick up the children, shall we?" He said triumphantly, proud that he convinced a stone to keep flowers around it.

"Why do we have to pick them up today?! I just signed the papers!"

"No, they've been waiting a long time for you."



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Jin let out a low groan as he stepped out of his bed.

He quietly went outside the room that he shared with his brothers to the common bathroom of the orphanage. He made sure to carry his own toothbrush and tongue-cleaner, as the ones kept there were always dirty.

After freshening up, he went back inside their room. He was about to wake his brothers up, but then glanced at the clock and realised that they can actually sleep for 30 minutes more.

So he let them be, and sat down on the ground beside them.

Their room was not very beautiful. Infact, it was one of the most smallest rooms of the orphanage. There was no bed, just two mattresses laid on the ground. All seven of them had to sleep on it. The wallpaper on the wall was old and ugly and damaged, with no fan on the ceiling. The window which was their only source of light and air was cracked, which made it difficult for them in the winters.

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