Prologue - 🍭

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"A sister is someone,
Who fills our heart with love..
She flies with us in life,
With the beauty of a dove..

A sister is someone,
Who loves us from the heart..
No matters how much we argue,
We cannot be drawn apart..

A sister is someone,
Who always knows the way we feel..
In every situation,
Her concern is very real..

A sister is someone,
Who knows our every need..
Whenever she sees us cry,
Her heart would nearly bleed..

A sister is someone,
Who's there for us
No matter what or when..
And everytime we're with her,
It feels like coming home again..

Everyone should have a sister,
Just the way we do..
Richly blessed we are,
To have a sister like you.."

JIN recited the whole poem which he wrote for his sister, in his mind.
It took him a long time to write this poem and determine which were the right words to fill in. He even stayed up till 11 PM, which was long past his bedtime, just to complete the peom that he was writing.

And after doing all that brainstorming, he was quite satisfied with the results. The peom might not be the best, but it conveyed all the thoughts that came in his mind.

There just one thing that was bothering him now.

The person for whom he did all this hardwork, the person whom he never knew about just until recently, the person who was his step-sister,





Will she be a sister like he has described in his peom?

...Will she be how he wants her to be?

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