Our first date

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Charlie's POV
I stare at the wall infront of me stunned, as Meghan breaks the kiss. I turn my head as she sashays away and just smile an idiotic smile.

OK back to reality It's 4:00 so I only have 2 hours to get home, get ready, plan the date, and pick up Meghan. Oh Lord were am i going to take her!?! I know! Im going to take her to dinner at our favorite itallian pizzeria, then we will go to my apartment, snuggle on the couch, and watch a movie of her choosing! Yeah I know i'm really good at coming up with dates (lmao no i'm not). Now what to wear what to wear?

Meghans POV

I just got home so I have about an hour to shower, change and do my makeup. Ugggg, I'm way to lazy to do it but I have to, It's our first date!

I think I'm going to wear.. hmm.. a black long sleeved shirt with my favorite jeans and black heels. And to top it off I will wear a black head band. I text Charlie to make sure a casual outfit is OK and he says yes but he wont tell me wear we are going! I shower and apply a minimum amount of makeup because I want a more natural look. Ok It's 5:50 now all I have to do is wait, in the mean time I text Emmy.
(+- Emmy $- Meghan)
Then doorbell rang
$- sorry em I gtg Charlie is here
+- ttyl have be fun you love birds
$- shut up!

I answer the door and Charlie stands there in his Tan T-shirt and black jeans with a single rose in hand. Awww He's so cute!

"Hey beautiful, you look wow, just wow. You ready to go?" he said Handing me the rose.

"Aww Thanks! Let me just grab my purse" I grab my purse and we head out the door.

We are in the car and Charlie WILL NOT TELL ME WHERE WE ARE GOING! UGHHH. I JUST WANT TO KNOW! But I can't get how cute Charlie is off my mind. He has one hand on the steering-wheel and the other is resting on my thigh. It's pretty chiche but It's adorable. During the car ride we make small talk but It's mostly me being an annoying shit because I'm trying guess where we are going.
"CAN YOU PLEASEEEEEE JUST TELL ME" I say with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, you have to wait. Besides, we are about to pull up"

"Fine" *pouts* Charlie just laughs.

Eventually we reach our destination and I realize we are at our favorite pizza place "little Italy" (made up).

"YAY PIZZA" I exclaim as we enter the pizzeria. Charlie just giggles and smiles his amazing smile of his.

"Table for two please"
We take our seats and enjoy a glass of red wine and a large cheese pizza. And Charlie will not stop telling me I'm beautiful. God he's such a charmer.

"Ok," charlie says paying the bill "are you ready for the second part of our date?"

"Yes what is it!" I happiley scream "or are you going yo keep it a secret again" my voice alittle less excited.

"Haha. You can know this time"
*mentaly saying YASSSSS*
"We are going to go back to my place and watch a movie or two of your choosing"

"Cool this sounds really fun! Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" I jump up with Charlie's hand in mine and head for his car. As we approach Charlie's car I slow release his hand and jump into the passenger seat, and Charlie follows suit but getting into the drivers side instead. This time we turn on the radio and 'See You Again' is playing I look at Charlie and see him blush. I imedietly break out into song and Charlie soon follows. I know what It's like to have a hit song and I have to admit hearing it know the radio is a but strange. As wizkalifa raps so do I and Charlie bursts out laughing. Next thing I know we are at Mr. Puths apartment.

"OK I have The Hunger Games, TFIOS, Elf, The pur-"

"Can we watch Elf and The Fault In Our Stars?" I ask

"Of course! Wich movie first?"

"Elf please! Oh and can I have some popcorn and a glass of water?"

"What ever you say, your the queen tonight" I blush.

Me and Charlie sit down and begin Elf. It was fairly cold for LA weather so I kicked off my shoes and.....
Grabbed a blanket. Lmao what did you think I was going to do.
A/N ^^this little part is for notyourgirl12 because if we are anything alike I know what your thinking.

I snuggle up against Charlie and we continue the movie laughing from time to time.

As our movie finishes Charlie begins to set up our next movie. And I mentally prepare my self to cry.

Charlie's POV
We just finished TFIOS and Meghan is balling into my shoulder.
"Shhhhhh, It's only a movie everything is going to be ok" I say stroking her soft hair.

"Thanks Charlie" She's falling asleep.

"Hey Meg" I softly exclaim, "will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Charlie. I will be your girlfriend." BOOYAH "To be honest I've wanted to be your girl friend for a long time"

"And I've wanted to be your boyfriend for a long time"

"Thanks for a great day Charlie. If you don't mind may I stay the night?"

"Of course you can, anything for my beautiful girlfriend" with that I kiss here passionetly on the lips and we both fall into a deep sleep.

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