And then there was Ro. The squad knee deep in everything this invasion stood for. Tenzou would be with him to slaughter ROOT, Kakashi joining them. Yugao and Hikaru had their own assignments unique to their skills. Then the two newest ANBU and hell cat with the largest role: stop the Jinchuuriki of Shukaku from unleashing itself on the village. Intel suggested it would try to do so in the forests outside, meaning their youngest kohai were likely on their own against unknown forces.

Dragon was certain they'd succeed. He did train them, after all. This would be Naruto's first assignment that Dragon didn't have a summons following, but Deidara and Angel should prove to be adequate back up. If not he'd eat his mask.

"Our objective is simple: ensuring the Oto Suna alliance fails. But, just as important: come back alive." Dragon paused to let that weight settle. "If I find out you laid down your life and there were any other options available to accomplish our objective, I will resurrect you myself and use your ghost as a training partner for a decade. This is not a battle for glory, but a tragic event to show what happens when you mess with Konoha. It's not about your honor, it's about keeping the village safe. Is. That. Clear."

"YES, DRAGON-SAMA!" Rang out in HQ. Ever since Dragon came into power, ANBU became a well oiled machine with fewer casualties. But war made the younger shinobi do stupid things, things that led to unecessary death. Dying to save your comrade from certain death was one thing. Dying because you rushed in like a rookie drunk on blood lust was another. Dragon had seen too many shinobi die to stupidity during the Third Great Shinobi War, he refused to let his men join those ranks.

A comfortable silence latched onto the room until the commander snapped.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation?! Go, before I use your lazy asses as a shield."

Seconds later the room was empty save Tenzou, who just gave a respectful nod. It was time to bath the great tree in blood once again.

With Naruto and Deidara….

Two masks, a fox and a mouse, hung upside down from the stadium's guard tower ceiling completely concealed, a shinobi cat joining them along with dozens of summons.

Deidara was stewing, waiting with clay bombs to make art out of Konoha's invaders. He knew this was a sort of test, a final show to see if he was loyal when push came to shove. The older blond swore to not disappoint the Hokage or commander.

Naruto was planning with Kurama. Neither would accept a loss, though only one wanted to kill the host. The other sat in conflict, hoping it wouldn't come to that. If he could take the other Jinchuuriki out quickly, he could focus on what he really wanted to do- protect his home at the front lines.

Both ANBU, regardless of their thoughts, gazed at their target, the trump card of the enemy:
Gaara no Sabaku. Fellow Jinchuuriki and known psychopath. Currently standing in the sun listening to a carefully neutral Hayate give instructions for the upcoming battles.

"The first rounds will be ten minute match ups in the following order:

"First match: Hinata Hyuga V Sakura Haruno.

Second match: Kiba Inuzuka V Rock Lee.

Third match: Kankuro no Sabaku V Shino Aburame.

Fourth match: Tenten V Temari no Sabaku

Fifth match: Neji Hyuga V Sai

Sixth match: Gaara no Sabaku V Sasuke Uchiha.

If I say stop, you stop, or I'll make you." Hayate coughed. "Now, will everyone but Hinata Hyuga and Sakura Haruno leave for the contestant box?"

Naruto tuned the rest of the explanations out in favor of glancing over to the forest a ways behind them knowingly. A certain pair of chakra signatures flitted in and out of his range. One of which he knew all too well, like an old pain that never quite leaves.

'Things just got more interesting,' The blond mused with dread. For waiting like a mocking predator was none other than the crystal user that destroyed him and his summons all those months before.

Looks like he was getting a rematch sooner than he thought.

End! This is actually just part of the original chapter, but apparently people don't want me cutting off the invasion- specifically Naruto v Shukaku- halfway so I'm uploading that this weekend (by that I mean before Tuesday to give time for me to edit it) while posting this nugget now. This is basically the more introspective side of invasion prep. I left out many parts on purpose to not give away post invasion plot (ex: What happened to the Iwa nins, Takashi's real imprisonment instead of what Danzo thinks, and some other...stuff). Instead I put in what the different sides would be feeling knowing they're going to war, and knowing things were going to get bloody. Especially Naruto. He wants everyone- especially his squad- to be safe but he's fighting a Jinchuuriki and possibly the Bijuu. To him, knowing things always tend to go wrong, he's preparing for the worst. Same with Dragon.

Thanks to Dragon, my beta! You're awesome dude, this is a late happy bday gift.

from Academy to Anbu by theriku260Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang