Kendos crush

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Deadpool: finally I got away from her

Author: oh congrats but um there's something wrong when you actually said that.

Deadpool: that is please tell me she's not here.

Raged Momo came out of her hiding spot behind me.

Raged Momo: did you really tried to escape me?

Deadpool: from 1-10 how dead am I.

Author: 10 your very dead please in the comments tho RIP Deadpool now on to the story.

Aizawa: Today the day that you will choose your hero names and going to your internship well for your internship is next week but I'm to lazy to say it but I will not help you with your hero names.

Denki: May I ask why Mr.Aizawa

Izuku: he was bad at picking names.

Aizawa: he's not wro-

Midnight: alright young hero's it's time to pick your hero names

Izumi: can me shoka and Katsumi choose Oni-Chan as our hero name.

Izuku: 1 eww 2 fuck no mortal your not worthy of having my name.

Izumi:yes the fuck we are.

Momo: if you are did you beat me in the festival.

She stayed quiet both Midnight and Aizawa tried not to laugh.

Midnight:(author not to bitch or moan when I'm gonna date Izuku he's a damn hunk)

Author: soon don't worry midnight

Midnight:(I'm holding you to it mister)

Author: uh ok.

As everyone choose their it was time for Izuku and Momo.

Midnight: ok wedded couple it's your turn.

Izuku: ok I got one the immortal hero: Black

Midnight: you sure?

Izuku: positive.

Midnight: ok lady black(no racist I'm black myself)

Momo: alright I got one the legendary sayian:creati black (if too much I'll have it back to creati since it's good on her)

Izuku: (that name sounds hot is she trying to make take her again.

Momo:(hmm should I have Izuku stretch me tonight and have kale with mom tonight)

Aizawa: alright is that everyone.

Everyone: Hai

Aizawa: good let's get to work.

As the day went by pretty quick (for Izuku and Momo) wberyone was tired from the training and the 2 just left and got a text from Inko saying that the filthy mortals wants to see them. As they went they see Inko with Kale and a crying desperate All might.

All might: (crying) please Inko please reconsider getting married to me we can be a perfect family with Izuku and Izumi.

Inko:*still holding kale and gave her to momo* and why would I do that mortal your only saying this is because you finally realize that my son had power more then a quirk is all.

All might: that's not true at all.

Inko: then why are you here then?

Izumi: because we miss you 2 our family is not complete.

Inko: was it complete when you was beating the shit out of him?

Izumi stayed quiet and a girl came in knocking.

Izuku blackWhere stories live. Discover now