Chapter 9 Lion, Eagle, Bear, Tiger Part 1

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Presidential Palace, Nanjing

Everyday is just another day planning reforms, rebuilding the country, cracking down on crime and corruption, and depowering the warlord cliques, not forgetting the ultimate goal to uphold Sun Yat-sen's dream of a democratic China. An MP walked in and dropped a letter.

MP: Generalissimo, a letter for you.

Chiang Kai-shek put down his pen and examined the envelope addressed from the UN Headquarters from New York*. He looked up to still see the MP blankly staring at him.

(*I know that the current UN Headquarters was completed in 1952. Prior to its completion it's temporary HQ was in a part of a Sperry Corporation factory in Lake Success, Long Island which is still in New York, although they still held meetings in other locations.)

Chiang: If there's no other news that concerns me then go back to your post.

With a quick salute the MP walked out of the Generalissimo's office. Looking back at the letter the Generalissimo turned President of China began to read the letter. His heart thumped in anxiousness after realizing the UN ordered a meeting in the Chinese UN branch in Shanghai. Reading further it is related to the Gate opening up in Nanjing. Slamming the letter down on his desk, he grabbed the phone receiver and called Chen Cheng* and Tsiang Tingfu* to find they both received a letter similar to the Generalissimo's.

(*Yes, that's an actual person, general of the NRA and first vice-president of the Republic of China in Taiwan. Prior vice president was Li Zongren when the KMT still had the mainland.)

(*Tsiang Tingfu represented the ROC in the UN from 1947-1962 irl)

Chiang began pacing back and forth dreading the meeting silently praying to God*. His relations with Britain and France are shaky due to his anti-imperialist views and definitely not on good terms with America due to the Americans sent to China praising the communists and criticizing him, especially Vinegar Joe*.

(*Chiang Kai-shek is Christian.)

(*Joseph Stilwell's nickname, not very liked by Chiang and vice versa, if anything, harmed Sino-US relations in real life. He was incompetent for the situation he was in at the time.)

Gazing at the newspaper of an NRA victory in the other world, an idea popped into the Generalissimo's mind. Taking out some stationary and some ink he began writing several letters. One to a soldier of the 88th Division and 3 civilians of the other world.

Sending those letters gave him confidence and hope of no economic sanctions or orders to withdraw all troops stationed for protection purposes. After all, the people won't be happy with another war with so many problems here at home.

Nanjing Fortress, Alnus

Zhutong: Letter for you Y/N. It's from the Generalissimo.

Y/N: Why would he write a letter to me?

Gu shrugged and stood up handing the letter to me.

Zhutong: Beats me. He never wrote a personal letter to anyone that isn't a general or family member.

Opening up the letter, it is an order from the Generalissimo to attend the UN meeting in Shanghai regarding the Dragon and the Battle of Italica. This doesn't seem good.

Y/N: You got any paper and pen so I can write a letter requesting my friends to come along with me?

Zhutong: Sure, let me get a pen and paper.

Giving me some stationary and ink I began to write.

To Generalissimo and President Chiang Kai-shek,

This is L/N, Y/N of the 88th division. As a decorated soldier and veteran of the War of Resistance and Civil War, I am honored to receive an invitation letter from you. Unfortunately, regarding the situation with the UN, I will need help from my friends and the soldiers present in those battles to confirm the events. Therefore, I am asking you to invite my friends to the UN meeting in order to further convince the UN that the events that occurred are by our word and not lies or propaganda, as there is no reason to do so in this matter as I care about our country like you do.


L/N Y/N, Captain of the 88th Division

I placed it in an envelope and gave it to Gu. Walking out, I don't have high expectations of this UN meeting. The allies abandoned us during the Civil War, the Soviet Union gave weapons to the communists, and the US kept forcing us to halt the Civil War because of all the lies their representatives told their government.

One day later

General Gu came to my tent holding out a letter.

Zhutong: Captain L/N, letter from the Generalissimo is here!

I got up and took the letter, not forgetting to salute General Gu, before coming back to my bunk. I opened the letter to find my friends all opening theirs too.

Y/N: Did all of you get letters from the Generalissimo?

My friends all looked at me with confused looks.

Everyone: Yes, how did you know?

Y/N: I requested the Generalissimo to do so.

Chapter 9 Part 1 END

A/N: Gu is referring to Gu Zhutong. In case you're confused.

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