Chapter 6 Homefront

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Nanjing, June 25th, 1951, 1:00 PM, ??? pov

I held the newspaper article written weeks ago.

Nanjing attacked by unknown invaders! President Chiang calls for military action.

I sighed and put the newspaper on the table. I don't know what's going on in the other world, but here, everything is the same. People suffering from homelessness, starvation, and unemployment.

???: You're still looking at that newspaper, Liu?

Liu: Yes, Xuehua. I can't help but worry about big brother, ever since his recent promotion to captain. Means he's out there more and less time at home.

Xuehua: Don't worry about Y/N, he survived the war with the Japanese, he knows how to survive and come home. Why aren't you at university?

Liu: Professor got tuberculosis, he's in the hospital. Where's mom and dad?

Xuehua: They're working at the factory.

Liu: Again? They have like two shifts.

Xuehua: Hey, you know our financial situation isn't going well! And I thought you were studying economics at university!

I sighed and began to put on his shoes.

Xuehua: Where are you going?

Liu: Work.

Xuehua: Since when do you have a job? You're only 17.

Liu: Since last week.

I put on my gloves and walked to the front door. Without a wave goodbye, I ran out on the street to my place of employment, a construction site rebuilding a small toy workshop razed to the ground by Tang Shengzhi in 1937.

???: Liu, you're late again.

Liu: Sorry boss, I'm having a bit of family trouble.

Boss: Just get to work and don't be late again. That's all I'm asking.

4 hours later

After 4 hours of piling brick after brick, it was time for a break.

Boss: You did good Liu, you earned this break.

Liu's boss opened a newspaper with the title that caught his eye.

First major battle in the foreign world, NRA victory.

Liu: Hey can I take a look at that newspaper?

Boss: Sure thing, but it's only about a battle the NRA fought in the other world. Why do you want to read it?

Liu: My older brother is part of the 88th Division, he was sent to the other world and I just want to know if he's ok. He hasn't been home since his promotion.

Boss: What's his name?

Liu: Y/N.

Boss: Wait, Y/N, the Crazy Ox?

Liu: Yes, that's him.

Boss: No way, you can't be serious!

Liu: My parents gave him an earful once they found out he charged at the unknown army with a pistol and sword. Other family and friends were shocked to hear this, honestly.

After talking with friends from university, I got used to people's reactions about my older brother being the Crazy Ox of Nanjing. It got old quickly.

Boss: Well this newspaper shows an overwhelming victory for NRA forces under your brother's command and they suffered no casualties. But the militia defenders suffered a heavy blow. Due to this, there are rumors that the NRA forces used the militia as shields.

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