Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow

Start from the beginning

"WHATS?" Wangnan asked amazed in a bad way abpout what Yihwa told him. "How did I get on your LAWN? BLEEDING?"

Yihwa shrugged. "I don't know either but this is what happened..."

She explained all the stuff about the UFO (which was actually not a UFO but The RACHELIMOUSINE™ (but Wangnman didnt remember)) and the crater in her front lawn, which just raised more questions than it answerd.

"Wow... that is so werid..." said Wangnan. "How did that happen?"

"Yup it really is weird" said Yihwa in aggreement.

"Well I guess that is just a mystery that will never be answered," said Wangnan.

"yeah" said yihwa.

"Huh, I just noticed something." said Wangnan and looked at his bandages. "If I was admitted here for hemorrhagic trauma, what are these casts on my arms for? Wouldn't they be useless in treating blood loss?"

A nurse in a sexy nurse outfit came in. "Oh they just look cool" she said in a valley girl accent and started twerking.

"You should not be a medical professional" commented Wangnan. The nurse kept twerking.

"Ugh! Oh! Ahn! MMmmr! Yeah! Huh!~ Shake that booty! Yeah! AWWAHAA!~" she moaned.

CLub music started playing in the background and the sexy nurse started twerking harder. Then the light started dinming and a bunch of neon lights started flashing. The hospital looked more like a strip club than a place for medical treatment.

"THE DOCTORRRRRRRRRRRRR..." the hospital loudspeakers satrted saying.

A disco ball lowered from the ceiling and a sparkly firemans pole with the words "wanna touch my pole? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" emblazoned in sparkly gold text emerged from a hole in the floor.

[The music switched to "Sexy And I Know It" by LMFAO mashed up with Caramelldansen From Another Room, which I know doesn't exist but it should. someone go make it.]

"IS INNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Rainbow lights started flashing everywhere and smoke/fog started pouring in from the hole in the ground from the fireman pole. A platform began rising from the pole hole and the silhouette of a lab coat could be seen from behind the fog.

The nurse was no longer twerking, but was now default dancing. Several other nurses entered the hospital room/strip club and began doing the orange justice, flossing, and other fortnite dances I don't care about.

"Wtf" said Yihwa,the exclamation of confusion and bewilderment quickly becoming her defining character trait. Wangnan quickly regretted asking the question as the smoke began to clear and the form of the silhouette became clear.

"Wangman, my man!" cried a muscular man in a lab coat. He was, thankfully, not doing a Fortnite dance, but, unthankfully, clad in nothing but said lab coat and a truly minisculte Speedo. The doctor began sensually thrusting his pelvis, clutching the fireman pole (which also doubled as a strip pole, apparently) while shaking his... other... pole.

"You should not be a medical profesional either" Wangnan said, his eyes bleeding from the egregiously curative inefficiency of... whatever this was supposed to be, a theme bisexual strip club or something, what with all the dancing nurses, and dancing doctors, and whatnot.

"Ah, cmon Wnagnan-chan, don't be like that," the doctor said sultruly. He posed on the pole gayly. "You know my PhD is in dance! Exotic dance!" He shook his groin again, much to Wangnan and Yihwa's agony. "Don't be so cold Wangy-nangy~! ☆ It's me, Doctor Daddy, here to kiss your boo-boos goodbye! ♡" He puckered up his lips and winked, one hand on his hip and the other next to his face in a victory sign.

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