Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken

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Author's AN: hi guys eglets11 here again with a new chaprte of TOuGH. thanks fir reading maek sure ot rate and review

also no flamers are allowed becuz tha is not mature and this is an matur people eonly fanoifcton!!!!!!!!! so leave if ur not meturae enuff to handle thihs stor.

DISCLAIMER: I still dont own Tower of god becaus i am not SUI i am only writing this fafiction as a fan and not SIU because i am not SIU and ou can't say that ur someone your not because that is called identity theft and that is a crime and a legal

Tower of God Highschool

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Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken

September 20, 4:20 PM, In Front Of Viole's House

"Somebody do something! Anything! Call the fire department! Call the police! Call the hospital! Call an Administator! Call my parents! Call Phantaminum! Call eglets11! Call Enryu! Call Zadhad! Call Urek Mazino! Call the TV station! Call the Ten great Families! Call Wolhiaksong! Call FUG! Call the highschool! Call the Workshop! Call my lawyer! Call the ranking adminisrtion! Call my friends! Call the news! Call SIU!" Wangnan babbled like a parrot being cross examined in court by a defense attorney in order to solve a murder case.

Then Bam started to run into the fire looking for her Mom but Wangnan screamed "NO DON'T DO IT VIOLE YOU'LL DIE!"

"I HAVE TO LOOK FOR MY MOM!!!" Bam screamed back. "MY MOM...WHERE'S MOM??!!"

Suddenly a voice "Don't be hasty now kid. Your Mom is safe"

"WHo are you? How do you know my Mom?" Bam asked. She turned around and saw...the guy from the bathroom! The one who dodged all the napkins like Neil from in the Matrix!

"Its you?!!! From the girls bathroom!" Bam said in shocked.

"Yes its me. My name is Ha jinsung and I am from FUG." said the guy.

"What the hell. Why was he in the girls bathroom?" thought Wangnan in his head, sweatdropping. "That is so wierd. Is he a creep or what?"

"Well where is my Mom then? And why is my house on fire? Is all my stuff just gone? Where will I live now?" Bam asked.

"We should go talk about this somewhere else," said Ha jinsung. "Do not worry the fire department is on its way to put out the fire. Let us go, I'll tell you everything on the way."

"Where are we going?" asked Bam. Wangnan had also come too for some reason.

"We are going to FUG HQ." said Ha Jisung.

"I don't get it , this is all so said my Mom is okay right? But how do you know? Why should I trust you?" asked Viole suspiciously.

Ha Kinsung took out a picture anda note and showed them to Viole. The picture was of Violes Mom and some guys. Ha Jinsung pointed to one of them and said "THis person is the president of FUG Club. Your Mom knew him and worked with him, secretly fighting against Jahdra, the Head oligarch of Tower city, he is not a good person. Right now she is hiding from Zahahrd because of reasons. That's why your Mom faked her death by burning down the house, the Jarhad supporters were coming to try and attack her. She was one of the founders of FUG Club," said Ha Kinsung.

Then he showed Viloe the note. It was from Bam's Mom! Viole knew it was from her Mom because it was in her handwriting.

Dear My Littlest Widdlest Bam, it started.

Tower of God HighschoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora