Part 5

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This cannot end well.

Me and Ash were being dragged through a hallway, going to see a 'vampire ruler'. We're probably gonna die. The people dragging us shoved us to the floor when we got a room then left. I stood up and helped Ash up, and the 'Julian' guy was standing next to this big dude.
He stood up and glared at us, " Why were you trying to get in?"
Ash shrugged, " Some chick said she'd pay a bunch of money if we found a way in, and when we did she tried to kill us with one of your kind."
He didn't look very happy with that answer.
I probably shouldn't say this but I'm gonna die anyway, " Why are you guys human like when all the others act like rabid animals?"
" Well I don't blame them for wanting to kill people like you, especially after what your kind did."
" What did we do? You guys just try to kill us all the time. Even now we almost got killed by one of you."
Ash tried to signal me to stop talking but he should know that when I start I can't stop. It's a bad habit of mine.
The 'ruler' guy slammed his fists down onto the desk, looking thoroughly pissed off.
I think I fucked up.
He grabbed me and threw me into a wall, " Maybe if people like you learned to leave others the fuck alone none of us would be in this mess! Wanna know why the people who decided to stay outside are so angry and want to murder every human in sight? It's because your kind decided they wanted our powers but didn't want to become one of us cause then they'd have to deal with the negatives. They wanted to basically play god, which if they were actually smart they'd know nobody can play god without something terrible happening. But the rest of you encouraged them, called us your 'saviors'. Even though you really didn't know what they did and even if you did you didn't care, we were just animals to you. Things to test on and be used until we died."
Ash fell to the floor and stayed there in the middle of his monologue, and I couldn't very well get up. Ash looked up at the ruler guy, " W-what did they do?"
He turned his attention to Ash, walking over to him and kneeling down beside him, " What did they do? Everything you guys would call 'inhumane'. First they thought they could create a human with all the perks but no bad sides. So they forced a lot of people to fuck and make kids for them, which each one of them died. There's good reason we all stick to our own species, mostly anyway. But some combos work better then others, and never has a half human half supernatural kid survived long, basically they just forced a lot of people to have kids and then watched them all die. And they acted like it was our fault they died. Then they were like, 'maybe if we take there DNA we can find something'. But then people started to find out what they were doing, and riots to stop it happened. You know what those heartless men did?"
Ash shook his head, his eyes wide and brimming with tears. He can't actually be believing this sob story.
" They starved many people to the point of insanity and showed them to the public, therefore framing us as monsters. The riots stopped, and we were almost all wiped out. But they wanted to continue their research, so they kept a few for themselves. I was one of the ones they took. The first couple nights were ok, and we all thought that maybe they changed their ways and we were safe. We were stupid to think that. They started again, they filled us up with drugs, destroyed our bodies to see what we could heal from and what we couldnt, put kids into 'breeding pairs' to see what hybrids were possible and which ones were not, they took our DNA and parts of our bodies to try and 'create' what they wanted. If someone died they would force us to make them a new one. We were all almost driven to the point of madness, but thankfully the sirens found a way out and we all escaped and scattered. Some wanted to punish them for what they did, others wanted to go back to normal life. So we all went our separate ways and now we're here."
Ash stared down at his feet, looking close to crying.
I sat up a bit, " Cmon Ash you can't believe him! It's obviously a lie to get us to trust him so that he can kill us."
Ash just nodded, and the guy came back and slammed my head into the wall.

My vision went a bit blurry and I could hear him tell the Julian guy to take us somewhere before I blacked out.

I was definitely not gonna make it home soon.

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