Part 4

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It had been an hour since daddy left, and the doorbell rang. He's back! I ran to answer the door and saw Storm there, that's ok he's cool too! I hugged him, " Hey Storm!"
He returns my hug, " Hey, is your dad home?"
I shake my head, " He left with uncle Ash to do something."
He smiles, " Great, follow me!" He grabs my hand and starts walking towards the woods with me
" Where are we going?"
" It's cool I promise."

We walked for a while, until we finally reached this really pretty pond, "Woah!" I went to touch the water but Storm pulled me away from it.
" Don't do that! The sirens will eat you right up!"
" Sirens?"
" Oh my god your dad really wants you to get killed doesn't he?"
" What's that supposed to mean??"
He sighs, " Nothing, just stay away from the water."
I pout but nod and we both sit down by a nearby tree. These sirens must be really dangerous if I can't even go near the water. We say in silence for a while before a boy popped out of the water.

He has dark blue hair but it looked really fluffy, not like he was just underwater.

He waved at us, " Hi!"
Storm turned into a puppy and growled at him, " Stay back!"
I stood up and picked up Storm, walking towards the boy. I sat down by him and smiled, " Hi! My names Jess, and this is Storm."
" I'm Sunny! I've never seen anyone up here before."
" I've never been this far before!"
Storm wiggled out of my grasp and turned back into a person, pouting, " I have.. Just stayed away from the water because of you sirens eating anything that comes near it."
Sunny hugged his arms, " Thats what mom and dad say to do.. They say that everything on the surface is evil and anything that comes in the water is food. But I really just want some friends, honest!"
I smile, and hug him, " You can be our friend Sunny!"
Storm grumbled something that sounded like an 'ok' so he was on board with having a new friend!
Sunny hugs me back and hops up on the shore next to us, he had a fishy tail! And it's was so pretty!! It was the same color as his hair, and it was really sparkly. " I'm glad we can be friends."
I smile, " Yay new friends! I really like your tail Sunny!"
He smiles at me, " Thanks!"
Storm kept pouting and grumbling complaints.

We all hung out and talked, Storm got a little nicer with Sunny. After a while Sunny said he had to get back or else his family would start looking for him. He gave us both a hug and went back to the pond. I stood up with Storm and we walked back to my house. Daddy still wasn't home..

Storm watched as I searched for daddy, " Is he still not back?"
" I can't find him anywhere."
" He should be back soon."
I nod and hug him, looking up at the starry sky, " You should head back Storm."
He nods and hugs me, before turning into a puppy and running off into the woods.

I got in bed and turned off my light, going to sleep. I really hoped daddy would get home soon.

SupernaturalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora