Chapter 5: Changes

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"Magolor, I... I love you. I doubt you feel the same way about me, but I just can't deny how I feel anymore. You're so amiable, smart, and handsome and I just really like you." To Susie's surprise, he pulled her close to him and embraced her.

"Susie, I love you too! I always thought my love for you was unrequited so I never said anything, but I've always loved you, ever since I first met you." Then, after a brief moment of silence, he kissed her, which Susie happily reciprocated. As they kissed passionately, Susie's daydream was interrupted by Magolor, bringing her back to reality.

"Susie?? Are you ok? You've been staring off into the distance for eight minutes now," said Magolor, evidently concerned. Susie blushed, feeling quite embarrassed for ignoring Magolor for so long—especially for such an unusual daydream!

"Omg I'm so sorry Magolor! I've just recently been daydreaming a lot," she said, her face turning into an even deeper shade of red from embarrassment. She doubted that Magolor had ever experienced intrusive daydreams like hers, and felt a bit ashamed to be having them.

"It's alright, Susie. I'm just glad that you're ok, I was worried for a bit since you weren't responding," said Magolor, relieved that Susie was ok. "Just curious, what did you daydream about?" Susie's face immediately reddened; she couldn't tell Magolor what she daydreamed about! Her daydream was centered around Magolor! If she told him the truth he would probably just be confused as to why she would imagine something like that. Not even Susie understood why she had created such a romantic scenario between them in her head, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she felt. Ignoring her thoughts of confusion, she quickly came up with an answer for Magolor.

"I was just, um, daydreaming about us searching for the energy spheres! I'm just really excited to search for them, that's all," stated Susie with a nervous laugh. Magolor smiled at Susie's comment,

"I'm glad you're excited to search for them! I'm really excited too, I want to fix the Lor myself this time, without having Kirby and his friends do it for me." Susie strangely felt a bit sad after hearing his response, but hid it well from Magolor, forcing herself to smile. After thinking about why she felt this way, she realized that she had hoped that Magolor would say that he was excited to search for the energy spheres with her, but instead he was more excited about somewhat redeeming himself from the Master Crown incident by not forcing anyone to do the searching for him.

"For some reason, I just really want him to tell me that he wants to be around me. I'm not sure why but it'd probably make me really happy if he said that, along with that he cares about me and loves me—wait, loves me?!" Before Susie could analyze her own thoughts, Magolor began to speak.

"So when do you want to look for the energy spheres?" Magolor asked Susie, who was still quite shaken by her own thoughts.

"How about tomorrow?" she responded, repressing the thoughts which plagued her mind even more than usual.

"Sure!" happily responded Magolor, clearly excited about looking for the energy spheres. Before Magolor could have a chance to continue the conversation, Susie quickly finished eating her soup and stood up.

"I'm going to go for a walk, see you in a bit, Magolor!" she said, trying her best to seem cheerful.

"Bye! See you later!" As soon as Magolor finished speaking, she booked it out of the Lor. She desperately needed to get away from Magolor and think about her strange thoughts. As she walked, she began attempting to understand her strange thoughts.

"Why do I keep thinking about Maglor this way?! I'm not supposed to think about him romantically, I'm his friend! Unless..." And that's when it dawned on her. All of her romantic fantasies and thoughts... they could only be because of one thing: she loved Magolor. As much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't anymore. He made her so happy and she honestly wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted him to love her as much as she loved him, to tell her how beautiful she was, to hold her in his arms—she wanted to be with him. There was no going back now; these thoughts were very much real, and whether she liked it or not, she was going to have to contend with them. Sighing softly, she began walking back to the Lor, knowing very well that as soon as she got back, she would have to get used to suppressing her feelings, as she was almost certain that Magolor didn't see her the way that she saw him. And so they had to remain hidden, at least for now.

A Fateful Encounter: A Susie x Magolor FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat