Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs

Start from the beginning

After lunch she went to the rest of her classes where not a lot happened either except for her dropping her pencil and losing it and having to borrow someone elses.

September 20, 3:30 PM, Outside of Tower HighH:

After school Wangman and his friends were STILL following Viole around like a bunch of lost puppies, except less cutely, and she was tired of it. So she turned around and told him to go away.

"Go away and stop following me," said Viol. "I already told you to leave me alone didn't I."

"But I wanted to-" said Wangamn

"I don't care. Goodbye" said Viole and she started walking home.

"But I-" said Wangnan.

"HELLO FRESHMANS!" said a girl really loudly so that Wangnan could not finish his sentence. She was hoding a clipboard with a pen attached to it.

"Would you consider joining the Jahard Fans Club?" she asked, twirling the pen around using her fingers.

"I thought that it wasn't club recruitment season yet," said the guy with the umbrella.

"Fans of our lord and sacior ZAHRAD are welcome to join at any time of the year! It doesn't matter that day, time, place, circumstances, or person, anyone that loves KING JRAHDA is welcomed here!"

"Who is king jrahda?" thought Bam inside her head she had never heard that name before. Her Mom had never said anything abuot a king before.

"Sorry, I can't join, I have work after school," said the short guy in the delivery outfit. "I am going to work now. Bye guys"

"Bye Nia," said Wangnan.

"Bye" said the delivery guy.

"I can't join either I have to do babysitting," said the guy with the umbrella then he left.

"Me neither I am going on a date with my GirlFriend," said the guy with the angel wing then he left too.

"Bye Akrapter and horyang" Wangnam said goodbye to Akrapte and Horang.

Everyone else started to makes excuses and leave. Now there were only Wangnan and Viole and another girl left now.

"I will join the Zahrad fan club!" said the other girl who had black hair and a flower hairband. "I am part of the Ten graet families so i will join."

Wangnmnan frowned and said "Well just because you are part of the Tne Great families does not mean that you have to join the Jahad Club. You are your own person so-"

"Okayyyyyy sign your name here" said the girl with the clipboard interrupt Wangnan again.

Wagnan did not like the dumb clipboard girl intreupting him all the time, not at all.

"You will regret this." Wangman thought inside his head ominously. "It may not be today, or tomorrow, or next week, or even next year; but I swear that you will regret this one day."

So the blakc haired girl signed her named it was Yeon Yehwa. She had fire powers. (Note: This is foreshadowing.)

Then the clipboard girl looked at Viole and everyone could see she was thinking about making Viole join too. Viole did not want to join though because she did not even know who Zahad was so she did not care one bit about the fanclub.

So Viole said "I dont have time. I am going home," so the girl with the clipboard could only watch Viole walk away coolly. But the girl with the clipboard was smiling evilly like she knew about something was going to happen soon and that was not a good sing.

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