Kiss The Boy {Regulus Black}

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You violently shake your head. "Absolutely not."

"Why not? I mean, he's going anyways, might as well go together." Sirius says matter-of-factly.

"How are you so sure? Regulus rarely goes to these things." You eye him curiously.

"Well, I know because you're going." Sirius sends you a toothy grin and you glare at him.

Usually, you don't get invited to these Slug Club events but you know about them because Lily is one of Slughorn's favorite students, so she is a regular and she tells you all about it. It's nothing that you envy or anything, but you do get curious every now and then. Apparently, you've been impressing Slughorn so much lately with the potions you brew in class that today you earned your first invitation after finishing up your Veritaserum. You suppose that It's an honor.

Suddenly, James' face lights up and he raises a hand in urgency. "I have an idea!"

"That's never a good thing," Remus mutters to himself.

"It's good, I promise," James assures all of us. His smirk, however, does not bring you any assurance. "Okay, so how about (Y/N) goes to the party and-" he points to Sirius excitedly. "-He takes Sirius with him?"

You raise a brow at him. "Why?"

"To make Regulus jealous," James says in an obvious tone. "What better way to find out if he has a crush on you than to go on a date with his older brother?"

"We are not going on a date."

"It'd be amusing to see Regulus' reaction, though," Sirius considers it. After a brief moment, he sighs, pretending that he has no other choice. "Okay, I accept."

"But I didn't ask you-"

"You pick me up at six. Don't be late"


You tap your quill against the table, having to continue with your Astronomy essay but not being able to concentrate well enough to do so. Instead of thinking about the constellations, you keep thinking about the fact that later tonight you're going to the Slug Club party... with none other than Sirius. You know that It's all pretend -and you're certain that he finds joy in the idea of making his brother upset more than anything- but it still takes a bit of a toll on you. You have mixed feelings about this whole thing but the thing that eats at you the most is the possibility of Regulus liking you back. You try not to give it too much thought because, to you, It's just another one of Sirius' dumb pranks. But you cannot help but wonder if there is a chance that maybe he's telling the truth-

"What are you working on?"

You jump at the sound of the oh so familiar voice. The voice coming from the person that you're literally just thinking about. The person who makes your heart flutter with only one stolen glance. "My Astronomy essay," you try to act natural as Regulus looks down at you, his hands clasped together behind his back. "Have you finished yours?"

"Last night, actually" he replies. "You should've told me, though, we could've done it together. Much easier that way."

"Oh," You look back at your paper, looking through the words but not really taking them in. "It's quite alright, I'm almost finished."

Regulus nods. "May I sit with you?"

"Of course!" You think that you reply a bit too quickly but Regulus does not seem to notice as he takes a seat on the chair across from you. "So, you're already done with all of your homework, I suppose?"

"Yes," Regulus answered, swinging on his chair, looking effortlessly cool. It honestly makes you swoon and you feel pathetic. "I noticed you were here as well and I just came to check up on you."

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