Slave For You {Tom Riddle}

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(A/N): Hello! This one was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva so I hope you like it! 

Also, Tom Riddle and The Marauders are the same age on this one!

Pairing: Tom Riddle x Gryffindor!Female Reader

Summary: For the longest time, you have been 'working' for Tom Riddle and doing all of his chores for him. You assume that it is simply because he despises you but it turns out that there might be another reason as to why he's keeping you around.

Warning: Suggestive smut at the end (?)


'Your tasks of the day are simple. All you have to do is clean my bookshelves and organize the books in alphabetical order once you're done. These should be finished by the time I get to the dorm.'

After you read the note found inside one of your books, you scrunch up the small piece of paper and throw it aside with a groan. Being Tom Riddle's little helper is not something you planned on doing when you got to Hogwarts but, somehow, he managed to wrap you right around his finger. Although you're not too fond of it, there's something that prevents you from putting an end to it all. Tom can be very 'persuasive' so It's not that easy to escape him if he wants something from you. "Everything okay?" Remus looks up from his notebook with a raised brow. The other three stop their movements abruptly; Peter's quill stops tracing letters while James and Sirius pause their own little paper war in order to stare curiously at you.

"Yeah, just..." you point your wand at the ball of paper and it disappears within a second. "It's Bertha Jorkins, she says she has 'new gossip' to tell me about."

Sirius makes a gagging sound. "Since when are you close to Bertha?"

"I'm not. She just has no one to talk to."

"And for good reason, I'd say," James says and Peter snickers in the background. "You're way too smart for her."

You laugh. "Are you actually going to meet up with her, though?" Remus asks as he resumes reading.

"Yes, it shouldn't be too bad." You shrug in hopes that they'll drop the interrogation. James and Sirius look at each other as if to say 'I wouldn't be so sure about that'.

You hate lying to them but if they ever find out about what's happening between you and Tom, they'll flip. It's bad enough that they can't stand him already so a lot of times you feel like you have to do everything in your power to never let them know, because you know that they'll try to do something about it and it won't end up well.

The Marauders are strong... but Tom is stronger. You know the things he's done.

He's made it very clear from the beginning what his intentions are with you.

"You're strong, very strong. But I need to be the strongest." He had said that day when he cornered you inside a dusty broom closet. Both arms were caging you while your back pressed against the nearest wall. "So, from now on, you shall do as I say."

"And what if I don't?" you spat.

Tom smirked calmly. One hand reached to grab a loose strand of your long hair, curling it around his index finger. He tugged on it, pulling your face closer to his and you couldn't stop the wince of pain that left your lips. In a low, menacing voice, he said, "Then, I'll kill you like the cockroach that you are."

Your breathing hitched at his words. Surely, he didn't mean that. You knew he was not exactly what he made other people believe -the charming, perfect Slytherin Prefect- but he couldn't be a murderer...

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