Shut The F*ck Up {Harry Potter}

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Summary: Slytherin!Reader gets tired of Professor Snape's mistreatment towards Harry Potter and decides to take matters into their own hands.

Warnings: Language


"Potter," Professor Snape's voice echoes around the classroom and, naturally, everyone's attention turns to his tall figure. It's no surprise when you see that his eyes are fixed upon a certain green-eyed boy, who quickly snaps his head up at the sound of his name. "Did you happen to drink a Sleeping Draught on your way here, or is my class just that unamusing to you that you can't keep your eyes open?"

Harry looks like he wants to say something that probably would cost him an instant trip to detention but he bites the inside of his cheek, instead. "No, sir. Sorry."

Professor Snape scoffs. "Of course, and I'll have to let it slide just because the 'Chosen One' thinks that everything can be fixed by simply saying sorry. Ten points from Gryffindor."


"Shall I make it twenty?" Snape snaps.

Harry's shoulders drop and he leans back on his chair, arms folded across his chest. On his left side, Ron looks like he wants to protest and, on his right side, Hermione is sitting up straight but avoiding eye contact with the oh-so-great Potions master. You hear Draco snickering behind you, Crabbe and Goyle automatically following his lead. You roll your eyes before turning to them. "Grow up, will you? It's really not that funny."

Draco's gaze falls on your annoyed look and he sneers. "Of course, you always have to go to his rescue, right?"

"If standing up for unfair treatment towards a student is considered 'going to their rescue', then yes, you are absolutely right."

"You better watch your tone when you talk to me, or I will tell my father that-"

"Suck my dick, Malfoy."

The class goes by and It's finally time to start making the potion, your favorite part. As you throw in some powdered Griffin claw into your cauldron, you catch a glance at how the Golden Trio is doing. Hermione, as usual, looks calm and confident while making her potion; Harry and Ron, on the other hand, are like two lost puppies that do not understand where they are, or what they are doing. You shake your head and laugh quietly. Potions class has never been their forte and, usually, you would be there to help them out with the process, especially Harry. That's also the same reason why Snape forced you to switch tables only two weeks ago ("I'm sure Potter here is capable of taking care of himself. If not, then he should seriously consider going back home and hiring a nanny."). You swear that man will do anything just to see Harry fail. It's honestly tiresome to watch at this point.

You're gently stirring the liquid when you hear the Professor's voice yet again. "Well, Potter, I must say that I am very impressed by the fact that you managed to spoil your potion in such a short amount of time. You couldn't even get the ingredients right."

The rest of the students are dead quiet by now, some watching the scene in pity, while others watch in amusement. "I did try to make it as accurately as possible," Harry tries to explain himself. "I don't know what went wrong-"

"Maybe if you read the labels right you would know that you used pomegranate juice instead of salamander blood," Professor Snape grabs the half-filled bottle and practically shoves it towards Harry's face. "But I guess that this is yet another example as to why fame isn't always everything, right? So, maybe you should stop being so delusional for once and come back to reality, Potter."

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