I Promise I'll Grow Up Next Summer

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    Wilbur couldn't seem to stop replaying the memory of that day in his head. The events that happened just a week ago playing in a taunting loop through his mind. He would lay awake at night, the terribly loud thoughts in his mind a stark contrast to the silence of his room.

    And as he stared blankly at the ceiling, reliving that day, he could only think, "I could have done so much more.", Wilbur knows he could've- no should have done more to prevent it. If he had just done things differently it wouldn't have turned out this way.

    He shouldn't have snuck out that night.

    He should've just stayed home with them

    He should have picked up the phone

    He should have at least said goodbye

    But he didn't, and it was far too late now. That day was ingrained into his memory. Always replaying, over, and over.

    Wilbur shoved his beanie on, pocketing his phone as he walked over to the window in his room. He had waited until everyone had fallen asleep, for tonight was the night he snuck out. It honestly wasn't for anything bad either, he was going to go explore the old train tracks with Quackity, he had wanted to for awhile, but his parents had told him to stay away. "It's dangerous." They would tell him. But that wouldn't stop him.

    Looking back, Wilbur wished desperately that he had just listened and stayed home.

    Wilbur opened his window, clambering down the short distance to the ground before reaching up and closing his window once again. He waited silently for a few heartbeats, making sure no one had heard him. No one came, the lights in the house stayed off, no shouts of "Wilbur Craft! Just what do you think you are doing?"

    If only someone had caught him, had stopped him from leaving...

    Wilbur grinned, sprinting down the driveway as he pulled out his phone, texting Quackity, "on my way" as he headed towards the tracks. He pocketed his phone, walking quietly through the dark streets. It was surprisingly easy to sneak out like that.

    Far, far too easy.

    After an uneventful twenty minute walk, Wilbur had made it there. He grinned widely, seeing his friend Quackity was already there! "Hey Big Q! I made it!" The boy in question turned upon hearing his name, "Hey Wilbur! Damn took you long enough man!" Quackity chuckled. "Oh shut the fuck up man- I had to wait until EVERYONE fell asleep! My whole family is a pack of night owls, Mum is the only one who has a reasonable sleep schedule, Dad and Tech stay up into ungodly hours of the night." Wilbur said in exasperation. "Well you're fine now, come on! Lets go check out the tracks, I wonder what kind of stuff they have in those old train cars." Quackity rushed over to the tracks, Wilbur followed.

    "It's probably just boring junk." The brunette said. "Or it's drugs!" Quackity said jokingly. "Wha- No of course there's not going to be any drugs! What the fuck Quackity?" "Hey, you never know until you see it." The Raven-haired boy said. "Well... then lets go see it! I'll race you to one of the cars!" Wilbur said, already sprinting to the nearest car. He hopped into it, turning to see Quackity far behind him. After a few seconds his friend made it, pulling himself up into the cart an turning towards Wilbur. "What the fuck man! You got such a big head start!" He wheezed, out of breath. "Nahh you're just slow!" He teased. Quackity slapped him on the arm. "Oh shut up already!", "Fine, fine!" Wilbur laughed. "Come on lets open up one of these crates!" "YEAHH IT'S DRUG TIME!" "NO- Stop with the drugs already!" 

     Wilbur sighed, walking up to the crate and tried to pry it open, it let out a shrill, 'CREAAAAAK' but wouldn't budge. "Quackity come help me open this!" "Alright! I'm coming!" The two both grabbed the lid, before nodding as they both heaved upward at the same time. They lid snapped of and they both tumbled to the ground, thrown of balance as dust danced through the air. For a few moments it was completely silent, Wilbur crept forward, he stood up and peered into the crate, then...

I promise I'll grow up next summerWhere stories live. Discover now