Prologue-We're all different, some more than others though!

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After a few more minutes of idle chit chat, Hanako and I made our leave from the girls and their secluded area.

Hanako made strange looks at me as we were walking. What goes on in her mind? I'd love to know sometime!

"So... How'd you get them to open up so quickly? They almost killed me when I first checked up on them, but they were just like 'ok yeah let's all introduce ourselves!' when you asked them to." Hanako asked as we made our way along the empty hallways of the school. Was it a school? I was still unsure.

"An aromatherapist never reveals her secrets." I loved playing dumb when asked about my methods. To further sell my idiotic act, I included the famous set of raised arms and a tilted head.

I don't think Hanako bought the act.

She looked back at me as we continued walking.

"You used aromatherapy on them?"

"Is that not what a therapist does? They make their clients talk no matter what?"

"Yeah, but- you didn't use any candles or anything! Not that I saw at least. Where d'ya hide your aroma stuff anyways? You don't have any bags on you.." Hanako was truly baffled by my talent! Amazing!

I always love explaining how my methods work. Perhaps I could get Hanako into aromatherapy and she could become my understudy! That would be so fun!

"Essential oils. I have some small bottles all over me!" I stopped walking and Hanako copied. I stretch out my arms and stick one of my legs out. "I've got a bottle or two in my shoe, one on the upper part of my sleeve, one per sleeve, and at least two in one of the pockets on my shorts!"

Hanako was dumbfounded.

"How did you even-" she was truly at a loss for words. Adorable!

"When I sat down with you to meet the girls, I noticed that some parts of me made a clinking noise when they hit the floor. So while you were lecturing me on being called Yamada, I was giving myself a small pat down to figure out where and what the clinking was! And when I wanted the girls to start talking, I opened one of the essential oil bottles and let the smell flow out to get them all in a talking mood." It was a long rant, but it still felt necessary for my knight to know the entire process of being discreet about these things.

Letting a client feel safe enough to spill their issues to you is a very important part of the therapy gig, after all.

Hanako said nothing and just continued walking.

Where we were going? I had no idea. Presumably to another group of girls that Hanako had met before rescuing me.

Hanako failed to tell me about any of them, so going into all these new people blind was certainly going to be fun!

Hanako paused after a while of walking and put an arm out, preventing me from going any further.

"We're here. Turn the corner and there should be about three or four girls for you to use your aroma stuff on." Hanako removed her arm and waited for me to get one of my bottles out before leading me the rest of the way.

I don't think Hanako has processed the fact that I can see. But who am I to complain? My brave knight is leading me to my new companions! I feel like a princess!

Hanako called out to the girls ahead, letting them know that she was able to fish me out of my locker trap. And then going on to elaborate on who I was.

"An aromatherapist? She makes people sniff and sob? Damn, I could use her sometime soon!" I hear one girl call out. Hanako fights back a snicker, hoping I won't hear, I assume.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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