
    "Can you remove your headphones please" I Soly heard my counselor tell me. Following her request I removed them from my head and stopped my song mid track
    "Sorry" I said briefly as my foot continued to nervous shake on the floor
    "A C in English and a C-minus in Spanish" Ms. Kelly said with an astonished tone In her voice
    "Well that's not normal for you." She continued putting her papers down and looking at me as I avoided any sort of eye contact
    "If you say so"

    "How's your mom holding up?"
    "She's fine. I mean, she hates her new place, which is like, yeah it's terrible but she's fine" I said stuttering over my words so she wouldn't continue asking how my home life is. She's knows it's terrible and she knows I know that it's horrible for me.
    "Is she still drinking?" She continued in a condescending voice
    "Like, yeah, a little, but. Well she's working two jobs. So, it's not easy."
    "It must not be easy for you either with your stepdad gone." She said. God would she stop asking me this shit. Kelly just go back to asking the easy questions so I could leave. Please.
    "It's kind of better, honestly"
    "Better how?"
    "He was an asshole. So there's like less assholery"

    "Are you sleeping better" she proceeded skipping over my last statement.
    "Yeah fine" I lied. My nightly nightmares have been getting worse but like I said she doesn't need to know that.
    "So no more headaches?" Ms. Kelly said to be. I shook my head no, but she clearly saw right through my second lie of today. "Nightmares?"


    Getting up from the ground I fell to my eyes trailed over to the daunting figure that stood probably thirty feet tall.
    The last I remember we were all throwing fireworks at him but he wasn't budging. His tenticles shot out of his body hurdling towards a figure that stood meters away from his head.
    Screams and grunts were heard from the figure that stood. My eyes took seconds to adjust to the lighting and my eyes stopped ringing. I looked to my right to see El on the floor her face white as a ghost from what ever was happening in front of her. My body felt like it was being weighed down my millions of pounds unable to move.
    Hearing another grunt of pain coming from in front of me I realized who the figure standing in front of the monster was.

It was Billy.

It was my brother. My older brother Billy.

    The Mind Flayers arms started pelting into his body at every angle. First his stomach, then his legs, then the arms shoulders and where ever else it could inpale him.
    My eyes went wide and instead of running to help him I say there frozen only able to move my head
    "Billy!" I screamed in terror as I saw a tentacle emerged from the monsters mouth. Within seconds I watched as it drew back then impaled Billy right in his heart and ripping it out like it was nothing. I screamed his name again as tears began to brim my eyes.

    His body went limp and black blood started to cascade down from his chest. Time seemed to go In slow motion as I saw his body slowly plumet to the ground. The mind flayer started to screech in pain toppling around the mall before it finally fell to the ground insinuating it's death and the gate being closed.
My feet slowly trailed toward Billy. Finally reaching him I saw his chest struggling to breathe and black blood spurt from his mouth. Tears continued to cascade down my face at the sight of him.
"Billy" I stated again crouching down to him and holding his arms as he sat there continuing to struggle for air in his lungs
"Billy,Billy get up, please. Billy, get up, please, please" I begged as my tears started to fall onto his skin below me
"Im sorry" his voice weakly said to me as his eyes met mine before losing life and his head slightly tilted away. His chest no longer stuttered for air, his eyes no longer looked in pain.

He was gone.


"Billy, Billy. Billy, please, wake up. Billy, get up, please. Billy" I shook his body in hopes that he was pranking me and he would get up and tell me taht I'm being over sensitive.
But this wasn't a prank. This was real.

"Billy! Please no!" my eyes clouded with tears and my body stood frozen. "Please no, Billy!" I cried out.



"Nope" I said snapping back from my brief thought of my reoccurring nightmare
"Max? What you have been through what you are still going through it's a lot for anyone. And it's okay to not be okay, but I can only help you if you are truthful and if you are open to me"
"Yeah I know. I'm being open" I said starring Ms.Kelly in the eyes. From her expression she knew I was lying but I really just don't care. "I'm being open!"


"Max hey!" A voice called from behind me. Looking back I saw Lucas who hopped off the wall he was leaning on and walking next to me.
"Are you stalking me or something?" I scoffed to him in annoyance of his daily 'jump scares' on me
"Oh, no. I just wanted to give you this" he said handed me a blue piece of paper. Looking down at it longer I realized it was a ticket to his game causing me to roll my eyes.
"What is this" I said clearly knowing what it was
"A ticket to my game" I turned my head to look at him giving him the 'WTF' look. "I know you never want to come to my games but this one is kind of a big deal!"
"A big deal? Lucas do you really care about this?" I said picking up my pace to hopefully lose him in the crowd of people.
"Yeah...I do. Maybe you should find something you care about too" he said. My feet stopped in their tracks and my head whipped around to face him with my face bring with anger now.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" His face lit up in fear realizing what he just said.
"Uh. You're just. It's like your not even here anymore. It's like your a ghost of something" he said. My eye brows furrowed in confusion to his words. A ghost. Is that really what he thought of me as?
"A ghost? Really?"
"Max, I know something is wrong" he said giving me his puppy dog eyes. God damn those eyes.
"Yeah. Right. Something must be wrong because I broke up with you" I said to partially deflect what he meant behind his previous statement.
"No. No, that's not what I meant"
"Lucas. Look, people just change. Okay? That's it. I've changed. It's that simple" I stuttered grabbing my backpack and walking away. Before entering the door to the bathroom I stopped and looked down at the ticket as if I was even considering going. "Good luck" I stated as I gave him the ticket back.

Slinging my backpack around I unzipped my front pouch and grabbed my Advil. Shaking three pills out I shoved them down my throat and leaned over the sink in pain. Sometimes I regret breaking up with him. But at the end of the day it was the best for both of us no matter how good or bad we ever were for one another.
God. Would this medicine kick in already
My head continued to pound harder and harder the longer I stood. I know it takes at least 20 minutes for the medication to take full effect but I need it to work now for me.
     Hanging my head over the sink I stood there a few seconds before hearing the sound of gagging coming from one of the stalls behind me
    "Hey are you alright?" I questioned to the person on the stall
    "Yeah-yes I'm, I'm fine" the girl called out. I immediately recognized that it was Crissy. AKA the schools most popular girl who was also on cheer.
    "Oh, ummm, are you sure?"
    "Please, just go away" her voice said meekly to me. Taking that as a hint, I left not wanting to bother her anymore and proceeded to continue through the rest painfully boring day.


Hey Guys! Hope y'all are liking it so far. Next chapter will start from Lucas POV and then back to Max!

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