[ Sneak Peek!! :D ]

Start from the beginning

You let out a soft breath, opening your arms and inviting him for a hug, which he instantly accepted. He tightly hugged around your waist, stuffing his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. You smiled and patted his back, nuzzling into his soft ear tufts. "I've only been gone for 30 minutes, you saw me this morning~" Alastor answered with a groan, planting kisses on your neck. Giggles escaped your lips and you let him continue, while you melted into his kisses and touch.

"Where's Ethan?" You questioned quietly, missing your child's blabbers and coos. Alastor led his lips up to your jawline then to your lips, capturing them in his. "Nifty's... watching.. him." He said in between kisses, leaving you flustered from his clingy act. You've haven't seen him like this since the grand opening party. But you weren't complaining.

A few long moments went by with you both making out in each other's arms, nothing but silence filling the room and the warm comfort you felt overwhelmed you. Your body warmed up greatly the more his kisses turned hungry and rough, it confused you why he was being too carnal, especially when he's too sensitive to touch. "Mmh..! Alastor! I-I have to get the meeting ready..!!" You gasped once you managed to escape his lips, blushing redder than his hair. He tried to trap your lips again but you kept turning away from him, hearing him growl and whimper. You felt his body give up and his head plopped down on your shoulder, whining quietly.

"I-I'm sorry, darling.. It's getting to that time of.. month.." Alastor whispered shamefully, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. You couldn't help but feel bad, not only was he getting vulnerable, but he was feeling pain. A frown appeared on your face as you held him close to your body, shushing him as if he was a baby. "It's okay.. I'm here for you. Don't worry..." Alastor let out a small breath and relaxed into your touch, snuggling like you would disappear if he let go.

As the seconds went by once again, you both heard a knock on the door, you felt him shiver and hesitantly let go of you, teleporting in the furthest, yet closet chair from you.

"(Y/n)! We're all ready!" Charlie called out from the other side of the door. You quickly turned to Alastor, who was keeping a big smile on his face, but you could see the slight hesitation in his eyes. You sent him a soft grin before going to unlock the door.

Charlie and Vaggie greeted you as they made their way inside and went to find their seats. Husk dragged himself with his bottle of booze inside the room, grumbling and drowning in his drink. Once everyone was settled in their own seats, you stood beside the chart and cleared your throat.

"Okay, so we called this meeting to announce a couple news. First of all, we have booked an interview for the hotel. Hopefully it could get this place back up again!" You exclaimed with a big smile, clasping your hands together.

Vaggie's eyes widened with shock, her mouth fell open as she quickly sat up on her chair. "How the hell did you manage to get someone to do that?! They'd have to be dumber than Angel to agree to this place!" She dumbfounded with her arms crossed. Your face fell into an unimpressed frown, letting out a sigh.

"Stop doubting so much, Vaggie. I got a good team working on this, so we better make a good effort."

Alastor glanced between you and Vaggie, smiling slightly. He could feel that obvious unintentional tension, did he find it funny? Yes. But is it still funny when you're in it? No. He felt as if he should do something to blow that away, doing everyone else a favor.

"I think this is wonderful! Who is this interviewer we're gonna meet?" He beamed loudly, intertwining his hands on the table professionally.

You purse your lips together and glanced around the room with hesitation. "I think it's better if that's a surprise.."

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now