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he just sighed once more and sat down, back dragging against the wall as he slid down. he was waiting for the girl to leave the room.

he's on the side where when you'd open the door, you wouldn't see him right away, so he just hoped that she wouldn't look side to side.

i guess he was just staying there in case anything happens.

soon enough, the door opened. she took a deep breath and continued walking her way back to class, which was the opposite way of where sunghoon was.

sunghoon just watched the girl. she seemed to be wiping away her tears as she walked away.

he finally stood up when she was out of his sight. he thought of going back to class as well, but class would've been over by now, so he just walked straight to the change rooms.

nobody was in the change rooms at this time, just him by himself. he expected the same for namkyu in the girls change room.

because she got to the change rooms before him, he expected her to be changed quickly, but then again, girls seem to change very slowly compared to boys.

in his opinion, of course.

he pulled off his white t-shirt that was stained in blood before shoving it in his gym bag. he quickly got changed into his school uniform, making sure to leave his tie a bit loosened and to unbutton the area near his collar. he didn't like things too tight around there, it annoyed him.

he then got his bag and walked out of the change rooms. while walking past the girl's change room, he didn't seem to hear anyone in there. he just assumed that she had gone back to class already.

but as he walked into class, he noticed that her seat was empty. once he was sat down, he just stared at her seat for a long second as if she'd magically appear. 'where is she?' he asked himself in his head.

the rest of the day passed by soon enough, and she hadn't returned to class at all.


"weren't you the last one with her?" jay replied to the boy who was going around and asking his classmates if they had seen namkyu or not.

"i was, but why didn't she return to class??"

niki came up from behind and put a his arm around sunghoon's shoulder, "you should know, idiot." he chuckled. sunghoon's worried expression was more prominent than usual, niki found it amusing.

"jesus, whatever. i'm going, see you guys tomorrow." sunghoon scoffed quietly, tightening the grip on his backpack handle as he walked away.

he didn't know what to do. it's not like he had her contact info either. who knows what that girl might be up to.

he spent the afternoon walking around the school and looking for her until he got hopeless.

she wasn't anywhere in the school. so he just hoped that she skipped school and went straight home.

the sky was getting darker by the minute, so he finally decided to go home.

he was disappointed in himself. maybe he should've followed her when she left the infirmary, or maybe he should've double checked if she was actually in the change room or not.

but on the way home, he didn't know if he was hallucinating or not because he came across her figure standing at the bridge that they always have to walk past whenever they go to school and go home.

her arms were rested on the railing as she looked off to the distance, wind blowing through her hair which made her face more clear to look at.

he walked closer and noticed that it really was her. it was the girl he was looking all over for.

"kyu?" he called for her, making her head turn to face his direction.

"oh, sunghoon." she replied, watching him walking closer.

"what are you doing? it's getting late." sunghoon told her, standing next to her and staring off into the distance as well.

water laid down below. it wasn't that far down, but far down enough to hurt you.

"i was just thinking, i guess." she responded with a sigh.

"i was looking for you." he informed her.

she just looked up at him, "oh... really?"

he nodded slowly, looking down at the water this time. he was thinking of how to start his sentence. "um, you know... i'm sorry if i upset you earlier." he apologized, hoping she'd be satisfied with that.

"oh right. no it's fine, i don't really care." she smiled at him, reassuring him that it didn't affect her too much. which would be a lie, of course.

he sighed, "i just.. i don't really know how to-" as she noticed him struggling, she just interrupted him.

"you don't have to explain! it's alright sunghoon, it's my fault for thinking that we were close enough to do stuff like that. well, i mean, i was sort of moving without any thought if i'm being honest." she laughed weakly.

he just stared at her for a minute, a long minute in fact.
he wanted to explain himself, but he just couldn't.

"hey." sunghoon began, turning to look back at the view, "i'm feeling kinda stressed out, what about you?" he suddenly asked the girl, switching the topic.

she nodded, agreeing. "yeah, a little bit."

"you wanna let it out?" he asked her, making her raise a brow.


he just chuckled shortly before replying, "like this,"

and out of nowhere, he yelled really loudly. she could've sworn she heard his loud yell echoing somewhere.

if she was being honest, it was a bit startling, but she didn't mind it.

this side of him was new to her. she knew a lot about his expressions but they weren't like this. him letting out his emotions like this made him so vulnerable.

so, she didn't say anything and just joined him, yelling as loud as she could. they both looked like lunatics cursing out the gods above.

it didn't last long, it was short but totally worth it. they yelled until their throats felt scratchy, until they couldn't get anything out anymore.

she coughed dryly when she finished, "oh jeez, i'm gonna lose my voice tomorrow." she said, laughing at the end.

her voice was raspy, but that didn't stop her from laughing. he noticed that too, and he smiled because of that.

she was holding onto her stomach because she couldn't control her laughter, "we're so weird. we probably look so crazy right now." she laughed.

the smile that was forming onto his lips earlier was wide as hell by now. she looked genuinely happy again.

"yeah.." he replied softly. honestly, he wasn't even paying much attention to what she was saying, he was mostly paying attention to her. her face and her laugh. it was very comforting.

once she noticed the silence, the fact that she was the only one laughing, she looked up at him. she was ready to get hit with embarrassment but she just noticed his warm smile, and those eyes that seemed like she could drown in them.

she wanted to say something, anything to bring the boy back into reality, but she couldn't.

so she decided that she was going to break the eye contact. but before that, he spoke.

"i always thought you were pretty."

yieeeeee u sed pretty? fr?


kilig yarn!

before u search up
what that means. it means
"that's so gross"


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