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"it's cute." he said.



did the word cute really come out of his mouth?

i don't know why, but i felt my face burning up.

this wasn't something i was used to... sunghoon complimenting me? no, i must've heard it wrong.

wait, he might've said that because we're dating now, right?

i still don't know why he asked me out though.

maybe i should ask.

we soon arrived to the empty classroom that we were sent to go to. i decided that i would ask after we set these papers down.

once we did that, i felt his stare on me. so i looked at him as well.

there it was again, his one and only stare. he was judging me, right? did i have something on my face?

that's when i thought it'd be the right time to ask, since we were already making eye contact.

"sunghoon?" i said, almost in a whisper.


"why... did you ask me, out of everyone?" i asked nervously, looking away from his eyes.

there was no sound from him, no sign of expression. just pure silence, until he let out a chuckle,

"i don't know? you looked... like you'd say yes easily." he replied, scratching his nape awkwardly.


he seemed hesitant to say that...

but still so blunt.

he really doesn't care, does he? he has no feelings for others.

i wanted to just stop it before it could get any worse. i thought i finally got away from him after so long, and now he's suddenly back.

and dating me...

he doesn't like me, he just wants to date somebody.

i want to tell him that it's not just me who'd agree to go out with him. i want to say that i'm not easy to toy with.

i really want to show him i've changed, i'm more mature and i don't deal with mean people like him anymore.

but still, i feel so cowardly sometimes.

"well!" i said, suddenly feeling nervous, "you don't have to date me if you want a girlfriend. just ask someone else, i'm sure they'll say yes." i sigh.

before he could reply, i continue, "i only said yes because i didn't want to embarrass you in front of our classmates."

i lied. i said yes because i'm still just as scared of you as before, but i want to change that from now on.

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