#Flashback (y/n2) pt.2

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"please don't listen to Mrs Hwang... She likes to tease people..." Said y/n with a pout as she puts the bowl on the table. Jungkook comes to the kitchen and approaches y/n.

"It's okay..."

He takes a seat as he watches y/n prepping things on the table. "What're you doing??" He said, curiously eyeing the items on the table.


He notices some herbs and bottles.

"Oh I'm making medicine."

"medicine??" He is caught off guard.

"Yup. I make medicines for the village. Since most of us here serve the village."

"What do you mean??"

"As you can see the village has only a few of people. That's because some of them are out there facing war." She explains briefly. Jungkook meanwhile, is surprised with the news.

He never knew the people of such small village are handling a war. He questions their ability, since usually armies are well trained by high classes.

"There's a war going on??"

Y/n nods, turning her head to the window.

"Since we are in desperate of food supply, all the male adults decided to help serving the village as armies... They trained hard and are now serving the village... They help us in gaining supplies and money..."

Jungkook notices her eyes slowly saddens as she talks. It makes him worried.

"Hey are you okay??"

He asked softly and y/n quickly smiles as she turns to him. Jungkook frowns.

"Yeah I'm okay. Why?" She thought she could fool him with her act, but Jungkook has read her beforehand.

"because you were frowning just now."

Her smile drops in surprised that he noticed. Her actions halts as she stares at him in the eyes.


Jungkook sees her slowly crumbling up, making him more worried. Her lips are shaking, her hand that is holding the bowl is trembling. She forces out a laugh.

"I never expect for someone to notice..."

Her eyes went bitter instantly.


"They are serving the village... We get our food, we get some money... But we aren't happy at all..."

She purse her lips, trying to hold her emotions.

"All of them, the people we know, the people who we shared memories... The people we cherished, we love.... For two years... They haven't returned home at all... Even until now..."

She fails to hold her tears and shuts her stinging eyes, letting the tears roll down her cheeks.

"They promised to return to us as soon as possible... They promised to not make us wait... He told me... He won't make me wait..."

Finally, after the last sentence, she breaks down into tears, dropping her head on the table. Jungkook quickly stands up and went up to her worriedly.

He carefully holds her and pulls her into his arms. Y/n leans her head on his chest and grips his clothes.

"I'm so scared, Jungkook..."

She can't believe she's opening up to him, a stranger whom she just met.

"What're you scared of...??" Jungkook cooed her softly, gently leaning on her to secure her safely.

"What if... What if they won't return home at all?? What if he doesn't return to me...??" She starts choking on her words.

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