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Percy had not really thought about what it meant now that their Father knew the truth.

Not that he knew the entire truth, but just the simple fact that they were from the future and destined to fight against Kronos who would one day rise again. It was terrifying to the god to know that his mortal children had managed to fight against those odds.

As such, their Father dived head first into making sure that they were prepared for anything. That of course included taking Krokus back under the Mediterranean sea to commence his training and picking out his lifetime companion.

Children of the sea had those apparently.

Ariadnê had pointed out that he had Blackjack and Mrs O'Leary while she had her own pegasus, Neigh, and a hydra that she had nursed from birth named Ennea.

Percy had been jealous that Krokus and Ariadnê both had managed to spend so much time at their Father's palace while he had not.

And then he realized that by having his Father's attention also meant more studying. The desk in his room was covered in books and papers of the politics at sea, notes about rumored alliances, lists of scandals, and a bunch of other things that gave him a headache. Hardwired for ancient ellinika, his horseshoe! Regular english did not give him that problem.

He was thankful when Ariadnê had taken the time to translate the papers for him as the mixture of english, ellinika and the language at sea made his dyslexia almost non-existent. 

Their Father split his between the twins, the sea, and Olympus in an outstanding feat of time management. He wondered why these versions of their parents were so different from the ones that they had. Why were they so hands on while their parents were so distant?

(Ancient Laws... Ancient Laws. Where art thou ancient laws?)

It sort of felt like being in their own future except the roles had been reversed with their parents. He couldn't speak about it with his sister as Ariadnê was glowing with the attention from their Father.

Since the moment that their heritage became known, Ariadnê had grown so close to their divine born family that it sometimes felt like she forgot what it meant to be mortal. He had to stand to the side and watch his sister be taken from him.

He had been pleasantly surprised when she refused immortality for him... twice. She was his pillar of strength and while there may have been some cracks in the foundation, she was still the one that he knew would always have his back.

(And he had never felt more alone as he watched the gods sweep her off into their circle, the bond between them falling away like sand between his fingers.)

His Father's attention brought along the realization that he would never see his mother again. At least when time caught up to them, she would not be his mother. A concept which was also headache inducing as the question if the twins would be reborn and be similar to them. Though, Percy and Ariadnê had already swore to give them lives better than what they had.

To sweep away all the issues by starting at the root. It was incredibly shocking to see how the Titans were worshiped in this time just as the gods were worshiped.

(But Ariadnê had told them once before that the Titans were never good nor evil at the height of their power. They just were.)

Personally, Percy did not understand how Clarisse and the children of Hermês did it. That was not to even mention Nico, Katie, and Will. All of them had met their parents and were doted on by their parents as the gods tried to uncover their secrets. It was like a never-ending game of chess where only he and his friends could see the board.

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