Chapter 4

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Saturday, June 18

It's been more than a week since me and Tsukishima started dating-- well.. started to pretend we're dating. It wasn't as awkward as I expected it would be. It was just like high school, only I get to hold his hand this time and smile at cameras all while insulting each other when we're not in front of anyone.

We started filming two days ago, our co-stars were nice and a couple of Crescent Ent.'s trainee actors came to watch.

Crescent Ent. was widely known for their artists' visuals. The lack of women in that company is insane. They have one female soloist and that was about it.

"Sorry, I forgot my line." the girl in front of us apologized, she's an idol around Haji's age making her acting debut.

"Take a five minute break, we'll shoot Yori and Kei's scene first." the director dismissed her.

A couple of minutes later and I was in front of the camera, wearing my character's haori and fiddling with the sleeves that had a blood stain from a previous scene.


"Can you point me to the Physics section?" I asked in character, taking off the left side of the earbuds I had on.

He slammed a book on the table with an almost insulting grin. "You might wanna start with the basics." Tsukishima said as he slid a copy of "Physics for Dummies" to my direction.

I looked at him in disbelief, eyes examining the smirk on his face.

"Can you get over whatever I did to you because I really need a reference book." I sternly said and stayed in character.

He scoffed and closed the book he was reading, getting up from his seat and making his way to a specific bookshelf.

"Physics." he stopped walking and turned to me as I followed him.

"Thanks." I muttered a quick thanks and shook my head.

"Asshat." I whispered under my breath but the small laugh from his mouth made it obvious he still heard it.

"So vulgar, Endo-san." he smirks as he walks back to the librarian's desk.

The scene should be over by now, but I continued swiping my fingers through the book spines as I wait for the director to shout. After 15 seconds, I looked over to the crew who was tapping on the director's shoulder.

"C-Cut!" the director shouts through the megaphone. "Great job! The chemistry was amazing, I forgot you were acting!"

That felt too real, almost like we weren't acting. It all felt so natural and maybe that's why I got a glimpse of the past as I read those lines aloud.


"Is that necessary?" I ask my manager, Haruto, who was currently busy with organizing my stuff. He's a bit strict but he's great and can sometimes be pretty laid-back. Though, most of the time he's also the reason I ponder if quitting swimming was a good decision.

"No, but it will make this more believable." Haruto looks at me, a tired expression painted on his face. Driving home with Tsukishima everyday? Sounds like a nightmare, maybe I'll just sleep through it.

"We live in opposite directions. That's impractical." I try to argue with him. He was a few years older than me, which somehow makes him believe that he knows better.

"That's why it'll be even more romantic. Tsukishima driving an extra 10 minutes just to make sure you get home safe? I'm a genius."

"He already agreed to it anyways." what kind of voodoo did his manager perform to get him to agree to that?

My vocabulary is wide enough to think of at least a hundred words to describe Tsukishima Kei, romantic doesn't happen to be one of them. Him of all people would know how impractical and pointless this is. We'll do a fake break up a couple of months from now anyways.

Why put this much effort into something that's not real? Why invest so much time into something that's not gonna last?

I opened my phone to check on my friends, well mostly to ask them if they were free, I badly need a distraction. To my dismay, all of them were busy. Kuroo is practicing for his group's comeback, Iwaizumi has to rehearse his stunts, Lev and Alisa are both in Russia, Rei is busy producing songs for her group, and Oikawa... is out there doing god knows what.

My only day off and I'm stuck inside with my manager like a loser, browsing through the netflix catalog as I sip on some fruit juice I found on the fridge.

"I'm off, I need to drop off my nephew's lunch at the pre-school. Update me on what your plans are for the day." He says as he makes his way out the door. What a robot.

"Don't get into any scandals while I'm not around!" I turned around and copied his usual words, his middle finger sticking out as his right hand closes the door.

I browse through the netflix movie selections, avoiding the ones with my face on it only to end up in the section where it's all Tsukishima's face.

I snicker at the sight of what was right under his movies. Godzilla, what a coincidence. And if that wasn't enough, right next to that was 'How to train your dragon 2', the same movie I had dragged him, Yamaguchi, and Yachi to the cinemas to go see after Kindaichi bailed on me to chase after his soon to be ex-girlfriend at the time.

I sigh to myself, realizing I was doing the very thing I promised not to do on my day off, think about Tsukishima Kei.

I shut the tv off, reaching for my headphones on the center table and connecting it to my phone, opening my playlist and putting it on shuffle.

Currently Playing...
Try agaun
Jaehyun, d.ear

I close my eyes, laughing at the song that started playing.

Funny, it played the very song that reminded me of you.

Try Again (SPOTLIGHT SERIES #1) (Tsukishima Kei X OC) (Haikyuu) (Celebrity AU) Where stories live. Discover now