chapter 7

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lunch was pretty much the same a break, they all mostly talked about d&d and Eddie brung me into the conversation once and a while.
it was nice how he's really trying to make me feel included.

after lunch, i headed to my last lesson, german.
i am basically fluent in german so i didn't really pay much attention. i didn't know anyone in this class so i took a seat on my own.

every so often the teacher would ask me a question trying to catch me out but i answered it with no hesitation. the teacher seemed to be satisfied so he stopped asking me after a while.

finally the bell rang. the end of the day. finally.

i unlocked my bike and saw mike, dustin and lucas unlocking their bikes, talking about d&d and basketball. i don't know how they relate though.

i cycled home, not rushing like this morning, but like a nice relaxing bike ride. i do enjoy riding my bike, but sometimes it's tiring. i do like the burn so when i was near my house i went as fast as i could, trying to keep up with the car beside me.

i put my bike in my garden and entered my house. sitting down on my bed and thinking about my day i cursed under by breath. do i have a crush? that is a boy? it can't be true. my subconscious was saying different. it knew i liked Eddie.

i pushed the feeling back down. not only i would be gay, which is not true, my father would not approve at all. he is one of the most homophobic people i've ever known.

'if you ever see some of them people again, run away' i remember him once telling me when two men holding hands walked by us.

too many thoughts were going round in my head for me to think at once. i was tired of thinking so i opened my desk draw.

there lied a few already rolled up joints. i like to be prepared.

i got out my lighter and lit the end of it.
i put it to my lips and took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke. i searched for a record in my room, and found 'ac/dc highway to hell'.

that'll do.

i put the record in the record player and started it. i turned it up loud and listened to the guitar, vocals and drums blend together to make a masterpiece. i play guitar, and angus young was a big inspiration to me.

about half an hour past of sitting on the couch, smoking and listening to acdc passed and i got decently high. i loved the feeling, nothing in my head apart from the loud music.

i fell asleep for a little bit, very relaxed. i was awoken by knocks on my door. i got up and staggered to the door, turning the music down on the way.

i opened the door and who do i see? Eddie of course.

'hey y/n i'm here to pick you up?' he said

'oh, for what?' i said, my mind was still blank and i could hardly even remember Eddie's name.

'i was going to take you to hellfire, our last d&d campa- have you been smoking?' he said walking forwards sniffing my house.

'uh what? no?' i said, still not really knowing what was going on.

'seems like you've smoked a lot as well' eddie laughed.

'why would you think that?' i said, slurring a little bit.

'well, you stink of weed and your eyes are bright red. can you even remember my name?' eddie laughed again.

'er, well' i said, really trying to think of his name.

'Eddie!' i said, a little too excitedly.

'well done y/n' he said smiling.

wow he has a nice smile. i caught myself staring so i tried to act normal.

'well, i don't really think you can come watch us in this state, i might just postpone the campaign'

'really?' i said, still not having a thought in the world.

little did i know how Eddie Munson would not postpone d&d for anything. and i mean ANYTHING. apart from me though as it seems.

'yeah i might have to, don't want you doing anything stupid. do you mind if i can come in and use your phone?'

'sure it's over there' i said slowly, finding it hard to get my words out.

he walks past the record player and notices what's playing.

'you like ac/dc?' he says, excitement on his face.

'uh yeah, i love ac/dc' i say.

'who's your favourite in the band?'

'probably angus, he inspired me to play guitar.'

'you play guitar? no way me too!'

my eyelids suddenly felt really heavy. i flopped down on the couch, forgetting that Eddie was there. i closed my eyes and soon enough i was asleep.

Eddie laughed, an amused look on his face as he picked up the phone.

hii, sorry i didn't update it yesterday, i was really busy

i hope yall are enjoying it!

thanks for reading!

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