Part 8: Elucien date

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'So, where are we going?'
'You'll see. Its my favourite place in this beach actually. '
Walking arm in arm, they slowly left the sandy part of the beach towards some steep rocks. Standing just above the clear water, was a rock with a flat surface like a terrace. It looked big enough to accommodate at most three people. Elain took her arm away from Lucien's, took off her sandals and with her other hand she held her dress above her ankles so  it wouldn't get wet. Walking carefully on the trail of the wet rocks, she held out an arm to balance herself. When she finally made it to the rock, she turned to Lucien who was standing right where she had left him.
'You're not coming?'
'Yeah, be right there.' He bend over to take of his finely polished boots and walked on the same trail as Elain had.
'This is lovely,' he said, breathing in the salty aroma of the sea. Maybe because they were now above the water, it felt a bit chillier. The sea wave crashed with the rock, yet it still stood there inertly. Green, sticky moss grew in the sides of it.
'This was the first place I visited when I started going out of Feyre's house for the first time.'
Lucien looked at her and said with a soft voice: 'Let's not talk about those times Elain. Not the Cauldron, the War. Not even about my parents. Lets have a little break.'
'All right. What shall we talk about then?' She slumped her shoulders, relaxing and leaned a bit forward.
'Hmm, Nyx's little wings are adorable.' He smiled.
'Oh, yes,' her face immediately brightened, 'he is adorable. Always flapping his little wings when he's happy.' Her smile wavered and she continued, her tone a tad less happy. 'Rhysand says that his wings grow day by day and that Nyx will naturally know how to balance himself when he starts walking. But it'll be a little painful, kinda like teething.'
'Ahh, the poor babe.' Lucien cocked his head to his left, his half tamed red hair spilling on his shoulders and back. Elain followed with her eyes the movement of his silky hair and suddenly had the urge to run her fingers through them.
'You know, Nyx likes your hair?'
'He does?' Lucien raised a brow and and started fiddling with his hair.
'Probably because they are red. Its a vibrant color and definitely gets one's attention. He likes the colour, I've noticed when I take him with me at the garden. Always trying to grab the red roses.'
Lucien was looking at her in a weird way, his face radiated calmness but his eyes were lit up. His golden eye shone in the sun rays and his russet eye watched Elain intently. Just then, Elain realised she'd been grinning at him all the time, while being focused on his hair.
'Whats your favourite flower?' He asked breaking the silence.
'Oh,umm,' she'd lost her words the moment she caught him looking at her like that. 'Moss roses are absolutely beautiful and they come in so many colours. White, yellow, red, pink. Also Geranium himalayense, those are very pretty. It has violet-blue petals and these flowers have an aromatic quality similar to lavender. Geranium flowers can also be made into oils. Helps with skin care, bruises, soothes muscles. It also helps in relieving stress. Personally I use it for my skin.' Lucien's eyes travelled over the little parts of skin she was showing, from her throat to her elegant shoulders. A little breeze carried Elain's scent to him and he inhaled it deeply. He'd fill his whole room with these flowers.
Pull yourself together. Stupid mating bond.
'I could use lot of quantities from that oil.' He joked, his eyes dark. Trying to shake of the feelings that bloomed from the mating bond.
'I could make you some.' Well, there went Lucien's attempt to shut down the mating bond. 'I make the oil I use myself as well. Nuala taught me how to make it with steam distillation.'
Right Nuala, the half wraith and her twin were Elain's best friends. As stupid as it was Lucien couldn't help but feel jealous of them, they had spent more time with Elain than he probably ever would. Jumping from one topic after the other, they talked about Lucien's childhood, how he played in the amber coated forests of the Autumn Court, Ember-Lucien's sixth and closest brother. Sweetly like that, they lost the concept of time until the sun rays started to fade.
'Maybe we should leave now.' Elain said.
'Well if we don't leave now, might as well stay for the night.' Lucien said jokingly, giving Elain a crooked grin.
'Wonder if your parents are still here?
'Maybe, I hope they aren't though. Mother needs to rest and I hope the Faebane antidote I bought from Nuan has arrived to Velaris by now.'
Nuan was a very skilled alchemist from the Dawn Court and a dear friend of Lucien. Huh, he really has connections with almost every court, even the human lands, Elain thought. Talk about political power.
'Why faebane?'
'Beron feeds my mom that,' Lucien shivered. 'Mom is really powerful, her lineage descends from one of the first families that lived in the Autumns Court. Her and Eris or Isiah, can take down Beron for sure. So he is afraid of her.' His lips tugged upward at the words. He'd known that of course, but had never spoken it out loud. Saying it however, changed things somehow.
Elain nodded to herself, marvelling at Aurelia's strength. 'That's why she is that thin?'
'Yeah, all of her food is dosed with faebane, so she eats as less as possible.'
'Damn, must really be scared of her then.' She nodded again. 'But she will succeed.' She added grinning mischievously. 
A one-looped smile bloomed in Lucien's face at the sight of her grin. 'Hopefully she will.'
Talking with each other, they hadn't realised they had arrived at their picnic spot. Only that Aurelia and Helion weren't there. But they had left a tiny basked with fruits in it, and a note that said:
"Upon leaning Aurelia was dosed with faebane, I ordered someone of the Day Court to bring antidote from my personal collection. The antidote just arrived. See you at the House of Wind.
'Guess you weren't the only one with the idea.'
'I guess not.' Lucien merely shrugged than offered Elain his hand so they could winnow back to the House of Wind.

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