Part 3: Continuation of part 2

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'And if... say, you and mother have the opportunity to be together again, would you chose to be with her?'

'As I said, Lucien, your mother chose to leave, I would have never let her go on my own. Not willingly. So yeah, if only I would have the opportunity to be with your mother again, I would make it all right. Because truth be told, I was a bit of a coward when I let her go like that, after I saved and healed and loved he, I sent her to be broken again. I should have fought for her. If only I got another opportunity, I swear I would do right by your mother.'

He didn't need Helion to swear, Lucien knew he was saying the truth. He could see it in his eyes, how every time his mother was mentioned, they lit up with love and longing. Lucien wore a soft expression in his face, and a faint joy started singing within him. He liked it, liked the fact that he was Helion's son, his mother's mate and love of her life. Son of the man who saved her, healed her and loved her. Yes, he had had to let go of her, but Lucien would help his father amend that. He promised himself that he would bring his parents together. He already started to imagine it, his mother, happy, in the arms of her mate, smiling and beaming with love and happiness. A faint smile started to bloom in his face.

'How do you feel about having a son now?'

Helion started to fiddle with a necklace that fell on his open chest. 'I don't know, it feels unreal, maybe if I had meet you when you were a baby and seen you grow up, it would have felt real. But hey, on the bright side, all the officials and courtiers will stop nagging at me , about not having an heir. Its as if, they just can't wait untilI die and replace me.' Helion laughed and Lucien beamed back at him, their laugh changed the whole mood, making it lighter, loving father-and-son like. And then, it dawned on Lucien that now he was now the sole heir of the Day Court.

'And you, how do you feel that the man you've called father all your life, isn't actually your father?'

Lucien merely shrugged. 

'I stopped considering Beron a father centuries ago, when he made me watch Jasmenda be killed and than sent my own brothers to kill me. I am vastly happy that I am not his son. And after how he has treated mother all these years, I am even happier that I am not the son of that kind of monster. Who tortures his sons and crushes his wife. And I am also happy that I am a child of people who love each other, of people who make each other happy. I'd be honoured to be your son, Helion.'

The corners of Helion's mouth tugged up, slowly.

Without a warning, Helion pulled Lucien in a hug, it felt weird, but it was warm and comfortable. Lucien could feel the warmth radiating from Helion through his skin, and he thought to himself : So this is how it feels. Love from a father.

Helion pulled away and told him, ' I'd love to know more about you Lucien, and if its not to late, be a good father figure to you. Maybe its not the right time or its a bit too early, but I want you to know that you are always welcome in my palace. When whatever war is coming toward us now is over, I'd love to have your mother by my side and proudly announce you as my son and the sole heir of the Day Court. Please accept this.'

Helion unclasped the necklace and took what looked like a very miniature version of his own crown. It was the size of a ring, golden with five spikes. Filled with whorls and twirls all pure golden. He put it in his hand and it started to get bigger and increase in size until it became a crown. A little smaller than the one Helion wore on his own head, Lucien assumed it was for the prince of the Day Court.

'It was mine when I was a prince and it is rightfully yours now. You don't have to wear it, at least not until we have an official crowning ceremony, but I want you to have it,' Helion ran his hand over it and it started to shrink until it turned back to the size of a ring. 'If say, you need a place to go, run your hand over it, it will turn to a crown and if you put it on your head you'll winnow directly to the palace in Solaria.'

'Thank you,' Lucien took the ring and put it in his ring finger, it fit like a glove, as if it was made exactly for him. A huge smile lit his face and Helions face mirrored his expression.

Helion trailed the mark on Luciens face than cupped his cheek on the scarred side of his face. His child. His son. His heir. 'If only i had known,' he said looking at the scar that ran over Luciens magical golden eye. 'There is nothing you could have done to stop it.' 'I would have tried,son. I would have tried. Know now that you have someone who got your back. You're not alone.' Lucien leaned into his hand, and just savoured the warmth there. However lonely he had felt before, like he didn't know if he had a home to belong to, some of it faded. Something shifted deep inside Luciens heart and for the first time in centuries Lucien felt safe. 

Helion Spellcleaver and the Lady of Autumn ; A new startDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora