Chapter 5: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

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 After the mission where Cassandra and her class went and, well, basically speaking, punched Lord Tomat- she means, Lord Lonato in the face, the Monastery is in turmoil. They received information that someone is plotting against the church, specifically, planning to assassinate the archbishop.

Not that Cassandra doesn't care, but...really? It's some kind of a joke, or a small part in a far bigger scheme that she is overthinking about? But being careful and finding ways to counter it are still better than sitting and theorizing about the topic. At the end of the day, the one who gets targeted is the Supreme Leader of the Church. Chaos surely assures if she dies.

"This is new," A melodic voice suddenly interrupts Cassandra's train of thoughts, making her flinch slightly on the table, "seeing you in class is rare, now being so soon in class is something rarer."

"Hah, well..." Cassandra chuckles, sitting straight up, looking at Dorothea, "I'm trying to be a better student here. Surprised?"

"A little..." Dorothea replies, casually sitting down, turning back behind her to chat with Cassandra, "But you look pensive today, something's wrong?"

"Welp, you know," The shorter girl shrugs, "About the Archbishop's assassinate plot."

"Oh, that..." The song tress's brows slightly furrowed, "I'm worried, too. Who would dare to do such a thing?"

"Yeah..." Cassandra taps her chin, and opens her mouth, intending to say something but then stops herself.

It is still very, very early, the class will start after thirty minutes. Cassandra doesn't know why she is this early, at first, she wanted to talk to Lynden about the matter. But it was futile.

Half of the class is here, most of them continue their sleep on tables, with some drowsily flipping through the textbooks, homework, and stuff. Hardworking ones, Cassandra darts her eyes around, observing amusedly. There is a group talking near where she sits.

They whisper, murmur, softly engaging in small conversations, Cassandra tries to make out some words from them. And you guessed it, it's about the hottest topic to date. To be frank, she is... tired of hearing about this every fucking day in school.

Dorothea crosses her legs, leaning her chin on her hand while Cassandra eyes a group over there. She muses, turning her focus back to Dorothea. Since her friends (who sometimes skip classes with her. Just sometimes.) aren't all here yet, and only Dorothea but she is...not really that indulging in the conversation so...

"Well, better to act than just sitting here and come up with crazy conspiracies about how stupid the assassins are," She takes a glance behind her, seeing Lindhardt finally arrived at the classroom with a yawn, his eyes half-lid as he walks toward his seat, "And there he is, the sleepy boy."

"What a surprise!" Lindhardt says, sounding genuinely astonished, "I didn't know you will be here."

"Things change, Lindhardt," Cassandra waves her hand, "I wanna be a good student for a day, alright?"

"Sure, sure," He yawns again, taking a seat.

Right after he sits down, the green-haired boy already leans onto the desk, closing his eyes. Then he sleeps, after seemingly in no time. As usual, she hears Dorothea and some students say when they are at the break.

Cassandra looks at him for a moment, mouth agape, wanting to comment something but stops, once again, heaving a sigh. She will ask him about the...homework, later.

"Right," The black-haired turns back to Dorothea, and immediately tries to find a subject to talk about, "Did the professor say anything? About the upcoming tasks for this month?"

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