Part 8: Videos

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It has been a week since you joined the band, one hell of a experience is how you put it. The guys gave you a room on the second floor it was pretty big, it had a big tv and the carpet felt like silk so you mostly walked barefooted your room. Most of the days you where in the studio with the rest of the band, all of you were memories the lyrics. But today it was different, you and Noodle were recording 2-D's vocals, while suddenly Murdoc bursted through the door.

Murdoc: "Great news everyone! Today is the day we can start planning for our first music video!"

Y/n: "What?! No way! Which song?"

Murdoc: "I still do not know."

Russel: "Its Noodle's album, so she should choose."

Murdoc: "Seems fair, what song will it be Noodle?"

Noodle was thinking for a moment, you noticed a little wrinkle in between her eyes, you always thought it was cute.

Noodle: "What song do you think would be good (Y/n)?"

Y/n: "Huh? Why ask me Noodle?"

Noodle: "You help me write the album, lets both choose the song."

Y/n: "Ok, hm, but what song would be good?"

Noodle took out a journal, Noodle and you looked through all the songs from the album, until one caught your eye.

Y/n: "Why don't we start with our most poppy song that we made?"

Noodle: "You mean-?"

Y/n: "Yes"

Both: "Dare!"

Murdoc: "Pardon me?"

Y/n: "We made a song that is poppy, dance worthy and over all a feel good song."

Noodle: "It will make the best introduction music video for the album."

Russel: "It is there album so I'm all for it."

2-D: "That will be very nice."

Murdoc: "You both are the creators of the album. Now then let's talk special appearance."

Noodle: "I have a few ideas."


The next day you where in Kong studios pulling the strings for the Dare music video, you made sure everything was going the way they need to be.

Noodle: "You've got to press it on you
You just think it
That's what you do baby
Hold it down there
Jump with them all and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
To work it out"

You chuckled seeing Noodle having fun on set. Once the video was finished you turned off the camera.

Y/n: "Ok everyone that was awesome, we got every-"

The music didn't stop, the lights still flashed and changed colors.

Y/n: "The hell? The video is over we can turn off-"

Out of nowhere Noodle grabbed your arms and pulled you in to the middle of the set, she was dancing.

Noodle: "Come on, dance with me."

You gave a smile and began to dance with Noodle.

Russel Pov

Russel watched you and Noodle dance and smiled.

2D: "Cute aren't they?"

Russel: "Baby girl is growing up, good thing new kid is here to make her feel normal."

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