Part 6: Planning the future

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You and Noodle made your way to the basement, on the way there you were trying to process what's going on. You began to think.

Y/n: "Ok so I'm inside the vents in Kong studio, with the world greatest guitarists, because the studio is infested with zombies, and we are on our way to a creepy basement to turn on some generators. Honestly what a time to be alive."

Noodle stopped.

Noodle: "We need to stop here and walk the rest of the way."

Y/n: "Right."

Noodle opened the air duct and she jumped down. This time you were more careful and actually managed to stuck the landing. Noodle and you tried to be as quiet as possible and while making  your way to one of the generator. A few zombies were around Noodle took out her katana and sliced their heads, the smell of the old rotten skin and the nasty blood made you want to vomit, you did your best not to throw up. Once you made it to the generator both you and Noodle looked around for the switch, Noodle found it and she turned it on. The lights in the basement turned on, you and Noodle took up arms and began to fight your way out. Noodle would slice the zombies while you bashed there heads in, but it got too overwhelming.

Y/n: "Noodle, im getting a bit tired."

Noodle: "So am I. Lets get out of here."

You and Noodle ran back to the vent and made your way back to the surveillance room. Once you both made it to the surveillance both you and Noodle were regrouping.

Y/n: "Wow, that was fun. Never thought I would actually be able to kill zombies. But i can say the same thing about joining Gorillaz."

Noodle sat down and looked through the cameras to see how many zombies.

Noodle: "We will be busy for a while."

Y/n: "We need to clear out the zombies if we want this place up and running. I wonder how these things came here or how it started."

Noodle: "It's probably Murdoc's fault."

Y/n: "How so?"

Noodle: "Murdoc made a deal with Satan a long time ago, maybe this was his way of getting him. We do have a portal to hell."

You tried to process what you just heard, but couldn't.

Y/n: "Wait what?"

Noodle got up, she walked to a closet door when she opened the door you saw lots of food and water.

Noodle: "We have enough food and water to last us months."

Y/n: "This shouldn't take more then a few days to clear out these undead freaks."

Noodle: "We got a lot of work ahead of us."

Y/n: "Well lets get started."

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