Part 7: Back in action

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For the next two week you and Noodle were clearing out the zombies that infest Kong studios. Both of you slept, ate, and planned everything in the surveillance room. You were currently looking through the camera to see how many zombies are left.

Noodle: "How many do we have left?"

Noodle stood next to you drinking a coffee.

Y/n: "We have two near your room, and we have about twenty give or take in the garage and five in the living room."

Noodle: "So basically we are done."

Y/n: "Yeah, shouldn't take more then an hour to get them all."

Noodle: "Good. We need to hurry up and clear them out, we need to start recording soon."

Y/n: "I cant wait to meet the rest of the band!"

Noodle: "I'm feeling good right now. Want to go kill the rest of them?"

You stood up.

Y/n: "Lets finish this."

You and Noodle walked to the door of the surveillance room, before leaving you both picked up your weapons. You both walked to the elevator.

Y/n: "Do you want to do the ones by your room? Or start with the garage?"

Noodle: "Lets start with the garage and get that over with."

Y/n: "Go big or go home, i like it."

Noodle pushed the elevator button and you can hear the elevator coming. Once the door opened you both stepped in, Noodle pushed the button to the garage and the elevator was making its way there.

Noodle: "Remember, stay close to me and don't get bit."

Y/n: "Same to you."

You put your baseball bat on your shoulder, Noodle took a fighting stance. A ding was heard and the doors opened. Immediately you saw the zombies coming for you and Noodle, you both looked at each other and gave each other a nod and both of you ran to the zombies. Once close you began to bash brains in, you got so use to it that you even came up with a couple of moves that you use when fighting. You looked at Noodle for a second she was slicing the zombies, heads, arms, legs and other body parts were all over the place, all of a sudden you heard.

Noodle: "(Y/n)! Spin!"

You ran to Noodle bashing any zombie that got in your way, when you made it to her you grabbed her hand, both of you place your feet together and began to spin in place. Noodle had her katana out so with every spin a head would come off. Noodle let go of you charging at the last zombie slicing its head off, Noodle turned to you.

Noodle: "Great job (Y/n)!"

Y/n: "Thanks, you did awesome yourself Noodle."

Noodle: "Ready to take care of the last ones?"

Y/n: "As i'll ever be."

You and Noodle went back to the elevator to take out the rest of them.


You and Noodle where by the entrance, you were trying to clean up some of the zombie blood. Noodle was on phone.

Noodle: "Ok, thank you see you soon. Ok cleaning crew is on there way."

Y/n: "Great! I'm tired of cleaning up zombie guts. But how are we going to pay for the clean up?"

Noodle took out a credit card.

Y/n: "Yeah should have know that. Best band in the world would have some cash."

Noodle: "After the clean up crew is finished we need to mail out these."

Hearts and music (Noodle x Male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin