Messalla took Katniss away to apply light make-up for the cameras' close-ups. Everyone followed Boggs' directions and then waited for Cressida to get the cameramen in place. Messalla set off a couple of smoke charges and then everyone could only keep still until Cressida said, "Action!"

They proceeded to walk down the street, blowing up random windows to not make it obvious they knew exactly where the pods were. All except Gale, who was assigned the real target. As the bullet hit the pod, everyone took cover, ducking into doorways or flattering on to the paving stones, while a set of bullets swept back and forth over their heads.

Finnick, who had half-pushed Dove into a doorway, protected her body with his arms, hugging her close as the bullets passed close to them. Not far away, Melo and Johanna were in the same position in another doorway. Their eyes concentrated on their family, making sure they were all right.

After a while of keeping their positions, Boggs ordered them to move forward. However, he was quickly stopped by Cressida, who said she needed some close-up shots. Each one of them took turns remaking their responses. Falling to the ground, grimacing, diving into alcoves. It was supposed to be serious, but no one could keep themselves from feeling like it was a little ridiculous.

It turned out that Katniss wasn't the only bad actor in the group. The squad found themselves laughing at Mitchell's attempt to project his idea of desperation. Grinding his teeth and nostrils flaring, quite a sight to see.

"Pull it together, Four-Five-One," Boggs reprimanded them with a firm voice, although he was clearly suppressing a smile while double-checking the next pod. He positioned the Holo to find some light in the smokey air. As quick as the blink of an eye, still facing them, Boggs' left foot stepped back, triggering a bomb that blew off his leg.

Laughter turned into screams. The smoke from the first bomb with the sudden appearance of a second one, which Dove couldn't tell where it had come from, made things worse. Still, since she had been close to Finnick from the beginning, it was easy to find him. However, she had no idea where Melo, Johanna, or Peeta were. She could only hope they hadn't been the ones to set off the second pod.

As Finnick took his eyes to one side, he pulled Dove with him, guiding her to Messalla's unconscious body. As the smoke cleared, she could see clearly how things were. Most of the squad was in a protective circle. Jackson was shouting into a field communicator, while Katniss and Holmes were trying to help Boggs. Next to her, she saw Finnick desperately trying to revive Messalla, which was taking as long as reviving Peeta in the arena.

"Prepare to retreat!" Jackson commanded, but Dove caught sight of something in the same place they came from. She tugged on Finnick's sleeve, pointing at the black mass that was blocking the street. He then yelled for everyone to look. There was no retreating possible, at least not from the same road they had taken to get there.

Gale and Leeg 1 immediately blasted the path across the stones towards the far end of the block. Melo and Johanna tried to get closer to Dove and Finnick carefully just as another bomb detonated near them, opening a hole in the street. Home and Katniss suddenly latched on to Boggs and carried him after Gale. There was no time to think. The black mass was rising above the buildings, getting nearer and nearer like a wave.

Finnick carried Messalla on his back, telling Dove to run, but she couldn't. She was still not moving, even though she tried. Her body was in shock. Her mind had made her have a sudden trip to hijack land. The place where all her nightmares became real.

However, one thing caught her attention. Peeta yanking Katniss out of the way. He had his gun pointed at her, but she rolled away, just as Mitchell tried to stop him. They're going to kill Peeta. They're going to kill him. They can't! Dove thought. For the first time in a while, her body replied, running to Peeta the fastest she could, forcing Mitchell to let go of Peeta.

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