First Day Cancelled?! The Weekend Party Re-Evaluated

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Just as the titles says

Summary: First day is cancelled since tuesday night is the party, The Straw Hats go out and felt like they were being watched.


"Students and freshmen of Grandline University, due to recent events that we simply cannot ignore. Your first day has been cancelled." Sanji spat his coffee out. The victim of the hot liquid was a sleepy but now awake and pissed off Zoro, Nami stifled a giggle when the green-haired swordsman's eye brow twitched.

The speakers were now silent, letting them all know that is the only information they're getting for now. They did have an entire week before the semester starts and one more day shouldn't have been available. It must be that serious.

They were all in the cafeteria, wondering why there wasn't much staff around. Buggy was still there mopping the halls. The Headmaster, Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate, was still doing whatever paperwork that needed to be done in his office. Most professors were at home with their families, it was still quite shocking there were people willing to cooperate with former pirates and marines that were reduced to teenagers.

The staff that were reincarnated too (ex. Akagami no Shanks, Big Mom, The Beast Kaido, Whitebeard, Marco the Phoenix, Buggy the Clown, should I say more?) had all still been present. Some students stayed at the school in their apartment complexes, seriously, this school's campus was humongous. How and where the hell did Whitebeard get money to construct such a monster University is beyond all of them.

Each crew (that were also decided on their numbers, if they had more than a thousand men in their crew; they would have to need their own building. If they had less than a hundred then they'd share a building with another crew.) had their own apartment complexes on the campus. However, despite the main Straw hat crew having only atleast 12 members, they had their own building but had never used it...

Since they weren't complete. They swore to never live on the same roof again without their heart. As Chopper said, nothing can function properly without a heart. And they were dysfunctional, how they had managed to be together was due to their captain. They created bonds with others thanks to their captain's guidance. Nothing more, nothing less, but they still yearned for the others company. A bonus too since they wanted to see Chopper in human form.

They still hung out, like a friend group but nothing more. They all feel the empty space in their hearts and no amount of partying, laughing at each other's jokes, pranks, or wishes can fill that.

Then, in early morning...

"I'm Home."

Usopp shuffled in his seat awkwardly, wondering if they all heard and felt the exact same silence they did. He really hoped he did or they might just say it was one of his lies, he really hoped it wasn't some sort of hallucination or dream. He missed Luffy, they all missed him.

"GUUUUYS!!!" A familiar voice caught their attention, Chopper with his short stature running to their table full speed ahead. He looked absolutely worn-out, did he run from his home to the campus? WHAT?!

"Chopper?!" Zoro stood up immediately, he was now dubbed the 'gruff older brother' in their group chat in Messenger.

The black-haired boy panted as he grasped his knees, maybe he shouldn't have done that. The others had already evacuated from their seats around the table. However, they were glad the doctor stopped. "I- I met Luffy! Well-"

"Chopper, if this is-"

"NO! It isn't a prank or a joke! You all know I wouldn't use him as a prank! Even Sunny met him, but we realized at the wrong time!" Chopper smiles as he reminisces at the short interaction he had with the now white-haired captain, when he thought about it; he actually felt whole again. Luffy had been with him when he was getting ready.

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