chapter 13 !

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The three of them had appeared in front of the Ubuyashiki estate

"You better shut the fly up or you're dead tonight" Eiko shot the crow a look whom belonged to her father.

"I won't!" He said not so loud and flew off to god knows where

Eiko spun around seeing Yushiro who was calm and Tamayo who was sweating a bit too much

"Please do not worry, my swordsmen won't lay a hand on you and your subordinate" Kagaya spoke out but coughed up some blood in the process

"Chichiue! Stay in bed!" Eiko hurriedly took off her shoes and went to where he was to clean his mouth and lay him back down "it doesn't matter whether manners to welcome guests but take care of yourself first" Eiko scolded as she got up. Her father laughed lightly at his daughter.

Before she went in she said "i'm pretty sure you both have some things to discuss privately, Yushiro come with me and Nee-chan don't worry, you have that protection" She called the boy inside the estate who hesitated but still respectfully came in

"Still protective as ever I see..." Kagaya had a smile on his face as he was lying down on his back. Tamayo had moved to sit on the patio, having a safe distance from him. She only wanted to be precautious "I'm sorry for my lack of manners and dragging you here for this mess Tamayo-san but let us discuss a way to defeat Muzan, shall we?" he turned his head in the direction where he thinks Tamayo is and gave her a small smile

"She'll be fine you ass" Eiko kicked Yushiro in the side who groaned at the sudden impact

"Gee fine, where are we heading anyways?" Yushiro asked as he rubbed the spot where he was kicked. Eiko's kicks are as if he was actually fighting her. Wait, how powerful would that get?

"To the butterfly estate but before that.." Eiko slid open a door and shook Kiriya awake as he started to open his eyes a little

"Nee-chan?" he mumbled. She hummed in response.

"Could you prepare the usual for father? I have to be somewhere and hahaue is asleep" Kiriya had nodded his head and smiled slightly when Eiko had ruffled his hair

"Alright come on, we're walking to the butterfly estate" Eiko smiled as Yushiro just gave her a deadpanned look

"Both of us know you're not willing to make that journey"

"Says who!"

At the staircase leading to the hashira estates

"Yeah you're right, I ain't willing to do this" Eiko said as she was already sweating by how much they had walked

"We haven't even walked that far yet Eiko" Yushiro gave her another deadpan expression "and you're Muzan's second hand" he muttered as he held onto her hand and reappeared in front of the butterfly estate

"I wasn't tired, just hot" She pulled her turtleneck a bit and fanned herself "knock 5 times" she told the boy. When it opened revealing Shinobu in a purple kimono and her hair down

"Ara? I wasn't expecting you this late at night" Shinobu smiled slightly as a small unseenable vein was on her forehead

"Gomen Shino-chan! But night was the best way to travel" Eiko bowed slightly and waved a hand at her while sweat dropping

"Ah, Eiko-san! Long time no see. Last time I saw you, you were hauling profanities at Muzan through a mind link" Eiko physically paled at what she said

"Oh so I spoke out loud while I slept the other day?" now she was sweat dropping even more

"Hai," Shinobu's smile grew wider. "Could I ask what you've been doing while you were gone?" Shinobu asked innocently. She had a guess

"She slept... no hibernated for the whole damn month because a demon doesn't need food to survive" Yushiro muttered under his breath who was standing beside Eiko who whistled

"Anyways... This is Yushiro, Tamayo's assistant. Tamayo's currently at the Ubuyashiki estate with chichiue, something they want to talk about." Shinobu narrowed her eyes slightly at what she said "if it'll relieve you, Tamayo is scared out of her wits just even being here. Don't believe me ask Yushiro" Eiko raised her hands in surrender and pointed at Yushiro who could only nod his head to the side

"Take this boy, give him a room and don't kill him, thanks!" Eiko pushed Yushiro into Shinobu's estate and into her grasp. "Don't worry i'll take him back tomorrow" she said yelled quietly at them as she helped shut the door

I myself have a small little errand I want to do

"Welcome back Nagahito-san" The head kakushi of the house, in charge of taking care of her estate, greeted as they were told of her presence soon after the hashira's lesson

"I've said this a billion times, just call me Eiko, Kyoko" Eiko muttered as she walked into her now clean estate

"Alright the, Eiko." Kyoko had a faint pink blush on her face, a bit embarrassed.

"See how simple that is!" Eiko said brightly but soon thinned "how many kaushi left the team after hearing me being a demon and coming back here?" she asked seriously while looking at Kyoko who had on a nervous smile


"None, Eiko-san" Sho said. Sho, head of Kakushi, in charge for demon hunters on behalf of the moon hashira (yall get that?) Her kakushi's are simple ones. They know how to have fun and know when to get serious and actually do shi. She had personally trained them all so they wouldn't just stay where they are.

"I expect everyone's still in tip top shape?" She was now in front of Sho, grinning

"Who knows, maybe even better than tip top shape" Sho grinned along

"Oho? Confident I like it. The moon's high tonight everyone" Eiko removed her sheathed sword and passed it to Kyoko to keep it in her room and a wooden katana in her hand as well as the rest

"Come at me you lot"

bonus scene !


"you know, for a bunca idiots, you did pretty good!" Eiko cheered at all the 30 defeated kakushi laying on the ground "and you all managed to not break a single bone this time!" she continuid as Kyoko could only giggle at her masters antics

"Eiko-san, we all would've had at least 2 broken bones EACH, if you went full power on us plus, your a demon now and your power should be doubled" Sho wiped the sweat on his forehead and ruffled his maroon locks "you held back because of the battle right?"

"says who" 

"says me"

"I dont listen to you" she whistled and entered the estate

"That's Eiko for you" Kyoko smiled as she watched her master's figure dissapear

"say, say Kyoko, are you gonna help us this time??" Sho asked expectantly but was uh

"No, I only help to tend Eiko" She curtly answered and left

"Why is everyone so mean to me" he cried

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