chapter 1 !

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Two years had passed. Eiko didn't consume any humans, only drinking human blood supplied by the one and only, Tamayo, or as she likes to say, Nee-chan! She doesn't dare to kill one if she ever dreams of becoming human once again.

A foolish dream but she had hopes. Many times she tried to convince her to work with Shino-chan as she was also excellent with experimenting. She even knew some rare herbs that even Nee-chan knew from 20 years back!

Still a no from her, sadly. She says she won't do it even for my sake. And she loves Eiko very much, I tell you!

Tamayo was just writing a report while Eiko was dozing off in the chair in front of her when she sprung up wide awake.

"I have to go" the door slammed shut, as Tamayo could only sigh.

Eiko has complete free will from Muzan but continues to serve under him. She couldn't stop her though. She knew deep down she wanted to stop him as well.

"Muzan-sama I caught wind some trouble stirred within these areas?" Eiko lightly bowed her head and looked back up as her Lord was looking at the pitiful women that dissolved after not being able to withstand his blood cells "Looks like the trouble ended before I got here" Eiko chuckled as Muzan turned around and spotted the young lady leaning on a wall.

"Anything to report?"

"Nothing much aside from a demon slayer in town" Eiko said, in a thinking motion  "The hashira's haven't made a move recently aside from killing lower ranking demons and doing their normal stuff" She stopped to think for a while and nodded her head, saying that was all

Muzan snapped his finger and 2 demons appeared.

"I want you to kill the demon slayer wearing Hanafuda earrings" Muzan ordered the duo who were still kneeling as Eiko stood beside him just looking at them. "Is that clear?" he looked... agitated.. Probably a bad memory since meeting with that slayer... who knows?

"Yes, sir"

"As you wish, sir"

And they're gone within the next second. I can adore them for their speed.

"Anything else you need, My Lord?" Eiko asked before she would go back to Tamayo and Yushiro. Some guests are to be entertained soon.

"Nothing more child" Muzan said as a small smile passed his lips and dropped after she left. He doesn't know what she's thinking of but he can only put his trust in her.

Only because for the past two years, she never has lied on her reports.

Eiko being he lovely lady she is, strode her way into the place which she was staying in for now through the brick wall that was protecting it.

"Yushiro, mind moving your ass up?" a ball was seen in the white haired lady's hand as she crushed it into nothing.

"I would if I could see" Said boy murmured as his mouth started to regrow

"If you can grow your mouth that quickly, grow your eyes, Shiro" Eiko said as she jumped on a brick wall

"Remember, I won't participate in a fight until I feel like concerning myself with it or someone asks." A contract was signed between Eiko and Muzan

She doesn't plan on going against the rules now

the fight continues as she watched, the hanafuda boy trying to bat off Yahaba and the demon sister, susamaru. eh well, it seems like it's going somewhere?

Her attention was taken by Tamayo as she started her blood art which caused susamaru to be in a fit about Lord Muzan which eventually led to her saying his name

A curse would be laid upon demons who do not have the permission to speak his name. The curse would be to end its life right after.

"Pity" Eiko sighed as she jumped off the brick walls. Yahaba as well? Some more to report I guess. I can save it for next week's meeting. Even though the chances of him knowing are high.

"I'll get going first, Tamayo and Yushiro. See you in the future, Kamado Tanjiro and his little sister, Kamado Nezuko" She gave them a smile as she disappeared.

"H-how does she know my name!? And who is she??" Tanjirou asked frantically. She seemed like a demon but her scent is more human than demon. He's overall worried.

"Well she heard Lady Tamayo say your names and you also said it" Yushiro murmured as Nezuko's eyes turned into saucers.

Next destination is the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters

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