chapter 4 !

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"Enmu, don't let your guard down" Eiko says as she appeared beside him

"I wouldn't dream of it, senpai" Enmu looked over as a dazed smile was on his face as the unknown moon disappeared.

In the first carriage, was a woman seated reading a book and minding her own business as a ruckus was heard in the back.

Ah, so he put two brats against a hashira? How time consuming. Oh more brats... wait no...

"Good to see you awake Tanjiro" Eiko smiled as she waved at the shaking boy who had asked Nezuko to burn the ropes. Good thinking

"I'll dispel the magic if I can, find the demon." Eiko ushered him as he left Nezuko with her

"Now Nezuko, one by one" she lit the boar headed guy on fire. Maybe not harmful fire towards humans but I gotta say that, that was cool.

Eiko's turn to show off. She lit the yellow haired fellow in white. He didn't exactly wake up but he was in a fighting stance for sure. Oh the boar dude woke up.

"Nezuko, you try and wake him up, I have to go" She pointed to the flame hashira as she patted the girl who had flowers around her again, delighted at the touch and nodded her head.

Above the train seems nice. She laid down as a buncha ruckus was heard at the front of the train. They'll be fine. What she wasn't expecting was when Tanjiro did the sun breathing. It was so fucking hot it almost burned her skin. Thank god that she had fast regeneration. It seemed as if it never happened

"and there goes Enmu" she talked to herself, in a slow tone only for herself to hear

Another surprise, Akaza showed up. The first thing he did was almost obliterate Tanjiro. Well damn, he really said 'I'll finish you before anyone can' Kyojuro was able to defend him though so, nice save!

And then that's when it hit, Eiko might need to concern herself with this fight. Maybe that's what Oyakata-sama meant by being a bit more serious....

Dawn is almost near so she doesn't have much time.

"This boy isn't weak, don't insult him" Kyojuro spoke, not smiling anymore.

"Technique development. Destructive death : compass needle!" Akaza yelled as he did his technique that would aid him in this battle. "If you refuse to become a demon, then i'll kill you" he smirked at the hashira who didn't even shake at the mention of death

A fist and a katana battle is in full go between an upper moon rank three and a hashira

Kyojuro sure has gotten faster in the past two years

Many times Akaza asked Kyojuro to become a demon. To hone his skills more. To live more years. He doesn't know that barely anything can waver that passionate heart of his. Unlike hers

Laughable really.

"Flame breathing, Third form : Blazing universe!" He yelled as he jumped and slashed his katana downwards onto Akaza whose slash healed immediately

"Destructive death, Air type!" Akaza yelled as he gave Kyojuro more air infused punches

A few hits later, he got punched in the left side of his forehead. Soon with his left eye. He continued to attack and did more flame breathings. Alas Akaza managed to put his hand into his solar plexus, probably that is (I'VE NO IDEA WHAT THAT IS)

"Tick tock... tick tock" came a whisper in Akaza's ear as he flinched and saw who it was. Kyojuro, although focused on making sure Akaza doesn't escape, his right eye widened at the sight. "Daybreak is in sight" The female grinned as she walked in circles around the two

"Exactly why you should concern yourself!" He yelled as he was trying to get his hand out. She momentarily stopped and looked his way

"He told you? The rest as well?" She wasn't mad, she just wanted to be informed is all

"Yes he did. Now help me!"

"If you'll excuse me" Eiko said as she walked in between the two men and used her hand to chop off both of Akaza's hands which Kyojuro was holding as he jumped backwards and made his run. "See you next time" she waved his way as he made his run into the forest

"You're not looking good along with Tanjiro" Eiko said as she squatted in front of the hashira who was still bewildered seeing his friend back alive and well. Just the fact that she's a demon

"E-Eiko!?" He choked out

"Eiko-san! Go hide, the sun is almost up! You'll die" Tanjiro says as he ran and slid beside her

"I'll be fine. The train will block most of the sun" she reassured as she gently touched Kyojuro's stomach which healed in an instant. She then continued to heal his eye and it was back to normal. "Don't worry, you're no demon. I just healed you with my blood technique is all" she grinned as both of her eyes were closed. "As for you" she turned to look at Tanjirou

"H-hai?" Tanjiro said as he was sweating furiously, afraid he did something to piss the lady off in any way.

"You don't go screaming at Akaza like that when you're in this state. You have a huge ass brain. Use it" She poked the boy's stomach

"Hai! I'm sorry for being dumb!" he said as he bowed and his forehead was on the ground

"Oi oi don't make anymore wounds" She said as she wacked his head

"I'm sorry!"

The sun was almost at its peak. She needed to go

"I'll be going first. Tanjiro, tell Kyojuro some things he should know after encountering me" I quickly said to him "and Kyojuro, if you have more questions, feel free to ask Oyakata-sama" She smiled as she disappeared into thin air.

"...what?" He was dumbfounded and was beyond tired

"What Eiko-san meant to say is.. You can't tell ANYONE she's alive and a demon at that. Based on what she said, I'm guessing only Oyakata-sama and I know she's a former pillar. Well now plus you" he said as he gave him a small smile

"Eiko's.. Alive..?" He asked, dazed and soon fainted as Tanjiro was left only to panic. Lucky him that the kakushi soon arrived with first aid kit

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